Babolnian mares and their influence on modern Polish breeding


Babolnian mares and their influence on modern Polish breeding

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Brda. Archive photo (published for the first time)
Brda. Archive photo (published for the first time)

I am probably the last person in Poland who has seen four Babolnian mares – daughters of Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – with his own eyes. It was in Albigowa in 1951. Grey, densely flea-bitten, they definitely stood out among the Polish mares. The first characteristic trait which struck me were the ears, which stuck out more to the sides than up. These mares were also a little less refined than our best broodmares. However, if they were only paired with a suitable stallion, they produced superb progeny.

Fourteen Babolnian pure bred mares* came to Poland soon after the war. Transported out of Hungary to Germany by the retreating Nazi army, similarly to the Polish horses, they found their way to the Bavarian Bergstetten. During when the Polish horses from beginning to end in their war wanderings were accompanied by the Polish staff, the caretakers of the Babolnian mares most probably abandoned them. The American occupation authorities directed the mares to the Behring Plant in Marburg, where they were to be used in the production of vaccines. At the beginning of 1946 the Directorate of Polish State Studs received an offer to exchange draught horses, which the studs had at their disposal at the time, for a group of more cultural equines and decided to take the opportunity. When despite the fulfillment of all conditions after a while the transaction caused a dispute, the commanding officer of Polish Studs in Germany, lieutenant colonel Stefan Zamoyski decided on his own to successively add Babolnian mares to the transport of Polish horses, which were sent to our country by sea**.

Bulwa. Archive photo
Bulwa. Archive photo

In 1947 the Babolnian mares, which received new names starting with the letter B, were already in Posadowo. Dr. Edward Skorkowski divided them between two studs – and so four bay Kuhailan Zaid d.b. daughters went to Nowy Dwór and four grey ones to Albigowa. Five greys and one chestnut – each a daughter of a different stallion – enriched the herd at Klemensów. The Poles turned to Babolna requesting the pedigrees of these mares, stating their brandings. The Hungarians compiled with the request, thanks to which the mares were registered in the Polish Arabian Stud Book (PASB) in 1950, but not long after began demanding back their property. At the same time they made an offer to purchase a stallion from the Poles, which ideally suited those mares. And so the Albigowa-bred Ben Haifi 1948 (El Haifi – Mira/Wielki Szlem) found his way to Babolna. As it turned out, however, he did not bring us much glory, as he was not used in breeding. Also the stallions used in Klemensów at the time were clearly not matched to their equine partners very well, because the majority of the Babolnian mares did not leave any breeding produce in Poland.

All of these mares descended from the five families described below. Although they returned to Babolna rather quickly, I tried to incorporate one daughter of each of them into breeding, with success. Unfortunately part of them were later eliminated.

1. Dam line no. 33: ADJUZE d.b., grey 1876 (Koheilan Adjuze – Schecha), imported to Babolna in 1885

The grey BLAGA*** 1937 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 11 Siglavi Bagdady II by Siglavi Bagdady II) wrote herself down in history mainly as the dam of the stallion DOKTRYNER (by Miecznik), born in Klemensów in 1950. This sire, used in Michałów (1954–1956) and in Janów Podlaski (1965–1967) had a very interesting life. Sold to Switzerland in 1957, he was re-bought years later. His son Arbor 1967, the bearing great beauty son of the valuable Arba by Comet, was sold to Monaco (1971) and had a very successful show career, becoming French Champion in 1976 and European Champion in 1978. Other Doktryner sons include Ferrum 1957 (used on a small scale in Janów Podlaski in 1962 and 1964) and the sold in 1959 to Patricia Lindsay, UK Gerwazy 1955, who was active at her stud for many years. The daughters of Doktryner, Wadera 1957 and Wieża 1966, produced stallions used in breeding to a lesser degree.

Bryła. Archive photo
Bryła. Archive photo

BRYŁA 1939 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 24 Koheilan IV by Koheilan IV), grey, correctly conformed, the tallest of the Babolnian mares in Albigowa, can boast the establishing of her own family, active until this day. In Posadowo she produced the bay Glazura 1946 by Mersuch III, whereas in Albigowa two daughters and two sons. The grey Braila (by Amurath Sahib) and BRYSSAGA (by Gabor) were born in 1948 and 1950. The latter was linebred to Kuhailan Zaid d.b., as Gabor was one of two sons of Kuhailan Urkub (by Kuhailan Zaid d.b.) used in Poland. Before she was eliminated from breeding, she left a replacement, the bay Brawura 1957 (by Wielki Szlem), sold to the US in 1968. Today in state breeding we have her granddaughter Brandy 1996 by Penthagonn, born in Kurozwęki, who left four daughters in Janów. Brandy is currently stabled in Michałów. The youngest of Brawura’s granddaughters, the born in private

Bajaderka, by Marta Baranowska
Bajaderka, by Marta Baranowska

breeding (Agricola Farm) Bagatela 2001 by Pesal, is the dam of Bajaderka 2007 (Złocień – Bagatela/Pesal), who after a successful show career in Poland and abroad is currently taking up duties as broodmare – in 2012 she produced a promising filly by Kabsztad, the grey Baklava.

Bryła’s sons were Cement 1949 (by Witraż), who found his way to the Drogomyśl Stallion Depot and Brytan 1951 (by El Haifi), exported to Romania in 1955.

BRUZDA 1934 (Ajeeb – 5 Koheilan IV by Koheilan IV), herself grey also produced grey progeny: in Posadowo the stallion Gruz 1946 (by Kuhailan Zaid d.b.), while in Klemensów the stallion Brus 1948 (by Wielki Szlem), the stallion Czarnolas 1049 (by Miecznik) and the mare Brunta 1951 (by Miecznik). None of her descendants were used in breedings.

A similar situation occurred in the case of the bay BAŚŃ 1937 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 28 Mersuch I by Mersuch I), who in Posadowo foaled the bay Graca 1946 (by Kemir I) and in Nowy Dwór – Bajda 1948 (by Witraż). Her other progeny died.

Another mare whose produce was not incorporated into breeding was BRANKA 1932 (Lartur – 14 Koheilan IV by Koheilan IV), the oldest from this dam line. In Klemensów she left a daughter – Bogdanka 1948 (by Amurath Sahib) and son – Denar 1950 (by Miecznik).

From Adjuze’s dam line descends the mare Kohejlanka 1928 (Mersuch I-3 – 24 Koheilan IV by Koheilan IV), purchased to Gumniska in 1929, who gave the stallions Tajar 1934 (by Kuhailan Haifi d.b.) and Wezyr 1936 (by Kuhailan Ajouz d.b.), both sold to Babolna in 1938, as well as the above mentioned Gabor 1944, used in Poland. His son and four daughters were incorporated into breeding.

2. Dam line no. 34: SEMRIE d.b., grey 1896 (by Koheilan-Em-Argub), imported to Babolna in 1902

Czardasz. Archive photo
Czardasz. Archive photo

The bay BAZA 1934 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 22 Kemir by Kemir), sister of the superb stallion Kuhailan Abu Urkub 1935, imported to Gumniska in 1939 and one of the most meritorious Babolnian mares in Polish breeding, had a number of bay descendants. In Posadowo she produced Gaza 1946 (by Koheilan I), while in Nowy Dwór stallions by Wielki Szlem: Bazalt 1948 and CZARDASZ 1949. Her daughter by Wielki Szlem, DREZYNA 1950, did not give any produce incorporated into breeding. Whereas another daughter of Baza, BAJDARA 1951 by Gabor, gave the stallions Branibor 1958 (by Arcus), Bajdak 1962 (by Comet) and Baj 1965 (by Negatiw). The first of them, used in Michałów (1963-1965), left three stallions and ten mares, many of which were exported. The second sired six mares in Michałów (1967–1970), part of which were exported. The third was sold in 1971 to state breeding in France. Also some of Bajdara’s five daughters, after being used in Poland, were sold abroad.

Czardasz was used in Michałów (1964–1966). There he left six stallions, out of which five were exported. One of them, Doman 1965 (out of Darda/Amurath Sahib), was very successful in Swedish breeding, where he found his way to in 1971. Gazon 1966 (out of Gazella/Witraż) was used on a small scale in private breeding. Out of the ten mares by Czardasz seven were sold abroad.

Baza’s grey daughter BAJADERA II 1940 (by Koheilan I) was active in Klemensów. In 1948 she foaled the bay Biskra (by Amurath Sahib) and in 1949 the grey Calvados (by Miecznik), who went to the Klikowa Stallion Depot and was used in breeding.

Arax. Archive photo
Arax. Archive photo

The chestnut BRDA 1934 (Mersuch II – 21 Siglavi Bagdady III by Siglavi Bagdady III), one of the most valuable Babolnian mares, gave in Posadowo daughter ANGARA 1947 (by Wielki Szlem). The bay Angara produced the stallion Arax 1952 (by Amurath Sahib), who was used in Albigowa in 1957. Among four of his daughters two were used in Poland and two sold abroad. Złota Iwa 1958 (out of Cesima/Witraż) has served great merits in domestic breeding by establishing a wonderful family, out of which descend, among others, Zagrobla/Monogramm and her highly decorated daughter Zigi-Zana 2009 (by QR Marc), as well as the sold for 85 thousand euro in 2007 to Belgium daughter of Zatoka, Złota Wieża 2002 by Ganges. Arax’s daughter Boltonka 1958 (out of Bulgotka/Witraż) became US National Reserve Champion in 1964. Arax was sold in 1958 to Tersk, where he left an important mark. Whereas unused in Poland was the son of Arax and the beautiful Witraż daughter Celina, the stallion Arcelin 1958.

Zigi Zana, by Gudrun Waiditschka
Zigi Zana, by Gudrun Waiditschka

Brda was later active in Klemensów, where she produced, among others, the bay Bzura 1948 (by Witraż) and the grey DARDA 1950 (by Amurath Sahib). Darda, who lived 17 years, gave valuable daughters and the stallion Dardir 1965 (by Nabor). The latter, after being used in Michałów (1965), was sold to Sweden, where he gained the title of National Champion (1968) and later European Champion.

Brda’s granddaughter, Dornaba 1960 (Nabor – Darda/Amurath Sahib), became US and Canadian National Champion in 1966. In 2002 there were 22 mares in Poland descending from Brda, including six in state breeding****.

BOJAŹŃ, bay 1934 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 6 Koheilan IV by Koheilan IV), remained barren in Posadowo, whereas in Nowy Dwór she foaled two stallions by Wielki Szlem, Czuj Duch 1949 and DUCH 1950. The latter covered mares in Michałów in 1955. One of two of his daughters was exported. Bojaźń’s daughter BOJKENA 1951 (by Gabor) gave the sold to Germany Borys 1956 (by Wielki Szlem) and Bibars 1957 (by Witraż), who found his way to the US, stopping by Germany and Brazil on the way. Unfortunately, Bojkena died as early as in 1959.

Other descendants of this family include: the above mentioned Kuhailan Abu Urkub 1935 and Kuhailan Said 1934, imported to Janów Podlaski in 1937 and taken away to Tersk in 1939.

3. Dam line no. 35: BENT-EL-ARAB d.b., grey 1880, imported to Babolna in 1885

Bona. Archive photo
Bona. Archive photo

BONA, grey 1937 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 23 Mersuch I by Mersuch I), the smallest and most delicate of the Babolnian mares, left several produce in Albigowa, all of which were also of a slender conformation. In those times larger and more robust horses were preferred, which could’ve been the reason for only a slight usage of Bona’s descendants in breeding. In 1948 she foaled the grey Bohomaz by Amurath Sahib. Her other foals were sired by Witraż. The first was the very handsome black stallion COMO 1949, who was used on a small scale in Michałów (1953–1954). There he sired the meritorious in breeding Forsycja 1954 and sons – Elear 1954 (also used in Michałów) and Fortel 1955 (out of Forta), sold in 1971 to the US, where he became famous as the sire of the “aristocratic” TW Forteyna, undefeated until this day in the US in terms of the number of champion-winning progeny. Bona’s second foal, the bay filly BONITA 1950, found her way to Rymanów (1958), but was used in breeding for only a short while. Her sister Bona Bella 1951 was not used at all.

BALIA, grey 1936 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 25 Kemir by Kemir) was in turn a robust mare, but during the four years which she spent in Albigowa she produced only two foals, both by Witraż. I saw the stallion Baligród 1950 only on photographs and I must say that I liked him. After returning from the race track he was sold to Romania (1955). The born a year earlier grey CELIA was, according to director Andrzej Krzyształowicz, very similar to Bandola, in her time the most beautiful mare in Poland. Celia had four daughters out of which three were exported (two after being used in breeding). Her son was sold to the US and Celia herself was exported in 1968 to France.

4. Dam line no. 36: SCHERIFA d.b. (Siglavi – Gehelt-El-Scharif), imported in 1902 to Babolna

Algeria. Painting by Joanna Chlebowska-Krause, upon her own photo
Algeria. Painting by Joanna Chlebowska-Krause, upon her own photo

BULWA, grey 1937 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 12 Siglavi Bagdady by Siglavi Bagdady d.b.) was small, petit and inconspicuous, but so many valuable horses descend from her today! She was well suited for Ofir sons. Her produce has a certain fixed type – they were bay Kuhailans of an average size and specific beauty. In Posadowo she foaled daughter ALGA 1947 (by Witraż), whereas in Albigowa, still bred to Witraż, she left the stallion Chmiel 1949 and the mare BULGOTKA 1951. Both of her daughters left a significant mark on breeding. From Alga, one of Poland’s most valuable mares, descend the following stallion: Celebes’ most valued son, Aloes 1973 (1982 Polish National Reserve Champion), Algierczyk 1977, Alkazar 1980, Aleppo 1983, Algomej 1979 (1985 Polish National Reserve Champion), as well as a number of excellent mares, including the beautiful Algonkina 1961 by Pietuszok, whose father was not very beautiful to me. Her other female descendants in subsequent generations include Algeria 1971 (1982 Polish National Champion), Alejka 1985 (1993 Polish National Champion), Albula 1984 (1994

Algomej, by Zofia Raczkowska
Algomej, by Zofia Raczkowska

Polish National Best in Show), Amra 2000 (2002 Polish National Best in Show). Bulgotka had less beauty than her sister Alga, but it is her who is the granddam of the valuable Probat 1975. Her daughters also marked their presence – among others the afore mentioned US National Reserve Champion Boltonka by Arax. Bulgotka’s grandson Buszmen 1968, sold to the US in 1971, gained the titles of Canadian Champion and US National Reserve Champion (1974). In 2002 Polish breeding had 24 mares descending from Alga and 11 from Bulgotka, making it a total of 35 descending from Bulwa, which put her as a leader of all Babolnian mares in Poland.

BRZYTWA, grey 1932 (Mersuch I – 12 Siglavi Bagdady by Siglavi Bagdady d.b.) was bred in Klemesów to Amurath Sahib, among others. Born in 1948 out of this mating was the grey filly BRUSSA, who in turn produced five daughters. None was incorporated into breeding, one was exported to England.

5. Dam line np. 37: DELALE d.b. (Koheilan Shvem – Menagie), imported to Babolna in 1902

In Posadowo the bay BOMBA 1935 (Kuhailan Zaid d.b. – 19 Mersuch I by Mersuch I) foaled the stallion ANARCHISTA 1947 by Wielki Szlem, who although not very handsome himself sired valuable daughters in Michałów: Czatanoga 1958 (out of Cosmosa) and Fatma 1961 (out of Forta). Later, in Nowy Dwór, Bomba foaled the stallion Desant 1950 by Wielki Szlem.

Baklava, by Marta Baranowska
Baklava, by Marta Baranowska

What significance did the Babolnian mares have for Polish Arabian breeding? After the war there wasn’t many Polish mares around – in 1950 only 76 – that’s why every potential broodmare was valuable. The Babolnian mares at the time constituted for 18% of the entire population. At the same time they were older, already selected, during when among the Polish mares there were many that were quickly eliminated from breeding. The Arabian mares from Babolna brought some foreign and very needed blood into Polish breeding. Unfortunately not all of them paired will with those stallions that were on hand at the time. Yet several lines survived until this day, proving their great potential even today.

*The total which came to Poland in that time was 16, but it later turned out that two of them were not of pure blood.

**A detailed story on the obtaining of the Babolnian mares can be found in „Koń Polski” 5/2008 in an article by Małgorzata Śliż.

***Names of horses given in capital letters are these which were active in Polish Arabian breeding. I also include information about what each of the Babolnian mares left in specific studs, as well as what happened to her produce used in breeding.

****The last supplement to the PASB was published in 2003 and included data from 2002. Therefore it is the last year in which an accurate number of mares (descending from specific dams) currently in breeding can be determined. Today this number is definitely different and can be found on the internet – those interested will surely be able to find these statistics.

Read an interview with Roman Pankiewicz: There’s no recipe for breeding

Entrevista con Roman Pankiewicz en Arábigan: No hay receta para la cría del caballo árabe

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