To share the success

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ALBERT SORROCA, the creator and owner of the Spanish stud of Equus Arabians and the breeder of stallion Shanghai E.A., All Nations Cup and European Junior Champion, as well as World Junior Reserve Champion, began building his breeding program ten years ago. Its foundation consisted of Polish mares. On August 25th will take place the Open Day at Equus Arabians. Today Albert Sorroca tells about his road to the circle of the world’s horse breeding elite.

Pride of Poland 2012: Unattainable millions. The Polish Nationals: A shower of medals for Janów (August, 10-12th)

Pride of Poland 2012: Nieosiągalne miliony. Czempionat Narodowy: Sypią się medale dla Janowa (10-12.08)

Few buyers, low prices, very slight enthusiasm from the public – one could only dream about a heated atmosphere which should accompany an event of this rank. Even the number of trade booths was considerably smaller than last year. That in short is the summary of this year’s Pride of Poland. The two stars offered at the auction – Etnologia and Ejrene – were sold for impressive sums, but sums which weren’t even close to the expected millions. Both mares, though of

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