The big victory of Polish-bred horses took place during International Arabian Horse Championships in Vilhelmsborg (Denmark).
Senior Champion Stallion became Michałów Stud bred and owned Emrod (Emigrant-Empressa / Probat) and Jumior Champion Filly – Precious (Gazal Al Shaqab – Premiera / Piechur) – this yearling filly was born in Netherlands (Klarenbeek Arabians) but was “planned” in Miachałów State Stud and sold in utero together with her dam in 2003. In championships Precious has beaten Szanta (Ekstern – Słonka / Wojsław) bred by Mr Bogusław Dąbrowski and owned by Falborek Arabians (Poland). Michałów-bred and owned Palanga (Ekstern – Panika / Eukaliptus) was once more placed in Top Five Junior Fillies of the show. All the horses mentioned were winners of their classes.