NOTE: Frozen semen available in Poland
Live foal guarantee!
Khidar is one of the best known producers in Europe, sire of International Champions and himself Champion Stallion of Nations Cup in Aachen, European Championship and Best Head and two times World Reserve Champion Stallion in Paris 2003 and 2004. Khidar´s projeny has been exported all around the world.
Due his Polish blood line influence, Khidar crosses very well with Polish Arabian mares. It’s also remarkable in his pedigree the influence of stallions like El Shaklan, Ansata Sinan, etc. Khidar´s daughters are really valuable breeding mares. As example, the multichampion Shanghai´s EA mare, Salymah EA, is a daughter of Khidar.
His daughter Alia E.A. (out of Arabeska by Eldon, bred in Janów Podlaski, Poland), br. Equus Arabians, o. Al Muawd Stud, won the European Champion Mare title in Verona 2011. Another Arabeska daughter, Aura E.A. (owned by Alkonooz Arabians), has been named in 2016 Top Ten Senior Mare at the World Championships in Paris. His Polish son Psyche Keret (out of Psyche Victoria), br./o. by Chrcynno-Pałac Stud, is already a multichampion: Top Ten Colt title of the World Championships in Paris 2012, 2013 and 2014, Res. Champion Colt Białka 2012, classwinner in Wels 2013, Gold Champion Colt Elran Cup 2013, Gold Champion Colt Chantilly 2013, Gold Champion Colt Polska-Arabia B-Int. Show, Warsaw Championship (PL).
Khidar granddaughter Nesj El Markhisa (Marwan Al Shaqab – Nesj El Khisaya/Khidar), bred by Nesj Arabians (Belgium), owned by Al Khair Arabians (Jordan), got the Gold Senior Champion Mare title at the European Championships in Verona in 2017.
SCID, CA & arteritis clear
Want to know more? Read the article:
KHIDAR. The return of a legend.