Endurance in Goettingen: a mountainous work-out

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Endurance in Goettingen: a mountainous work-out

Ewelina Preis po ukończeniu trasy, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk
Ewelina Preis po ukończeniu trasy, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk

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Ewelina Preis po ukończeniu trasy, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk
Ewelina Preis po ukończeniu trasy, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk

Last weekend Goettingen was home to the CEI***/CEI-J-YR*** endurance competition, combined with the German Endurance Championships. Out of all the starts abroad, these were without a doubt the toughest for our representatives. A mountainous route and extremely hard weather conditions caused many problems for all riders. There were a lot of eliminations and the veterinary officers could not complain about the lack of work.

Poland was represented by four pairs, all from the “Champion” Riding Club (KJ Champion) from Łódź. The longest distance of 120 km was tackled by Ewelina Preis and the 8-year-old Ashmin (Fawor – Aktorka by Embargo, bred by Z. Górski). She was the only contestant to  finish the race and with a pace of 11,99 km per hour took first place. The slow pace was due mainly to the lack of rivals, as only two pairs turned up at the start line (although 5 had been entered). Our contestant rode solitarily over most of the distance, which definitely made it difficult to race against the clock. However, this start can be considered a satisfactory test before to the World Championships for 7 and 8-year-old horses, which will take place in August in France. Furthermore, the veterinary panel awarded Ashmin with the title of Best Condition.

Ewelina Preis w trasie, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk
Ewelina Preis w trasie, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk

I’m very happy that I was able to finish the event, albeit the tough conditions’ says Ewelina Preis. ‘A mountainous route, a hard going (slippery mud interchangeable with stony paths) and unfavorable weather conditions (stuffy air and rainy) made this endurance ride very hard. It was the first start over such a long distance for Ashmin, so I should be even more than happy. I think that we could have easily finished the ride at a faster pace, but we fell short of opponents, who could help us achieve that.

The competition in Goettingen was also meant as a test (before the French Championships) for the stallion Efendi (8-year-old, Harbin – Eutrofia by Palas, bred by Białka Stud), as well as for the recently purchased half-bred Arabian gelding Malik Kerrous from France by Beata Dzikowska. Unfortunately, both horses, which took part in an 80 km race, were eliminated after the second vet box check (on the 61st km) during a re-control for lameness. However up until the elimination they were in good condition. The source behind Efendi’s problems (with Olga Ciesielska up) was rather surprising – the veterinary officer found that due to the stress his intestines displaced, which caused problems in the urinary system and with the urination and in the end – a movement disorder and lameness. Whereas Malik fell ill during transport, had a cough, but after a vet check was conditionally allowed to take part. The change of weather (high humidity and rapid warming) caused a deterioration of his health.
We must add that the selection at the vet boxes was very strict and as the problems of our horses showed, the vet’s decisions were 100% just.

Beata Dzikowska i Olga Ciesielska, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk
Beata Dzikowska i Olga Ciesielska, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk

I’ feel sorry that I did not finish the race’ says Olga Ciesielska. ‘This was my third elimination ever and I’ve been participating in these competitions for 7 years now. Nevertheless I am pleased with my horse. I consider this elimination as a misfortune. Efendi will prove his worth during the next competition. I very much believe in him. The route was technically hard, although I personally prefer tough and challenging routes in the mountains.’

The fourth of our contestants – Artur Landau – took part in the race over a distance of 60 km. But his steed, a 6-year-old French-bred Arabian Cricket Du Pecher lost a shoe and the hard and stony ground “completed the destruction”. The lame Cricket was taken off the route after the 15th km.

The CEI* (60 km) competition was won by the gelding Komet 2001 (Santhos – Kanasta by Pamir), bred in Germany but boasting a Polish pedigree. The Janów-bred gelding Haret 1998 (Pasat – Harpia by Ernal) came in third. The French, but of Polish origin, gelding Piove 1992 (Piruet – Alwernia by Celebes), participating in the CEI*** (160 km) competition did not finish the race, while the German Khami 1992 by Michałów’s Festiwal (out of Kazandra by Taktik) placed second to last (11th place).

The results from Goettingen turned out worse than expected. After very successful starts in Babolna (Hungary) and Ermelo (Holland), topped off with large appetites, Polish representatives achieved a poor result. The main aim of this start – that is a “mountainous work-out” was somewhat achieved. Ashmin and Efendi carried out a good performance and have a chance at a successful start at the World Championships.

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