Last weekend the All-Polish Scientific Conference at Janów Podlaski stud took place. The foreign guests as well as Polish Professors and lecturers – horse breeding and equestrian authorities had the speeches. The conference was held due to the XXth anniversary of “Horse breeding and equestrian” and “Scientific sources of horse training” postgraduate studies that are being ran by Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Faculty of Biology and Animal Breeding (Horse Breeding and Horse-Riding).

Organizing Committee was attended by Prof. Henryk Geringer de Oedenberg, Dr. Marek Trela, Prof. Krystyna Chmiel, Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka, PhD Ewa Jodkowska, Anna Stojanowska and PhD Ewa Szarska.
On Friday evening Pure bred and half-bred horses were presented – with families of the mares: Albigowa (Fawor – Algeria) with her daughters Amra and Altona (both by Eukaliptus) malopolska (half-bred) Emerycha (Ermitaż – Emoza) followed by Pure bred Eutona (Etogram – Euterpe) with daughters.

In beautifully arranged lights and live music by „Dikanda” band the following chief sires were presented under the saddle by the students of Technical School of Horse Breeding at Janów Podlaski: Aslan, Eol, Alwaro, Piber, Esturion and Esculap. Grey, Janów-bred Alwaro (Eukaliptus – Algora) was presented by Polish National Endurance Champion (160km) – Sławomir Kosicki. Some special presentations were made also by Artur Bieńkowski riding Aslan (Eukaliptus – Algora) and Paweł Kocząb on Eol (Gazal al Shaqab – Eutona). First one dressed in typical uniform of Polish State Stud workers and the second in Old-Polish style. Stallion Esculap (Primo – Esparceta) has been shown free presenting the outstanding movement and Arabian horse type.

Saturday and Sunday were dedicated to the seminary part of the Conference. Prof. Krystyna Chmiel made the speech about Arabian horse breeding post-war development while Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka referred it’s current situation and perspectives.
On Saturday evening the breeding parade was organized. The spectators could see the Pure and half bred young stock of Janów Podlaski stud – that will be soon compete at Junior Championships in Białka.

Fabulous was the presentation made by farrier’s master Józef Antczak. The spectators could see the farrier’s equipment as well as the ways of his practical skills and different kinds of horseshoes – including the first ones in equestrian history.
unday began with in-hand presentation of chief sires and broodmares with foals at their

sides. The show was commented by stud director, Marek Trela. The show was ended by trotters race and vaulting presentation by KJ Galop – Ząbkowice Śląskie club riders with Polish Nat. Champion Adam Sułowski as the trainer. The evening was even more attractive with practical lesson „Physiotherapy of horse” by Dr. Lee Hollen who was presenting the techniques of massage, acupuncture, chiropractice and relaxing exercises. At last but not least Dr. Adam Borowicz made the speech about horse psychology.