Wolrd Endurance Championships – Poles at the place


Wolrd Endurance Championships – Poles at the place

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Today the last members of the Polish team for the most important endurance event in the season – FEI World Endurance Championships in Compiegne (France) left. Every year these championships are becoming more prestigious. The 7-8 years old horses compete there at the distance of 119 km on a difficult, mountain route. This year the 26 nationalities entered 115 horses – including 35 couples from France and 80 foreign. The new is the World WAHO Trophy for the best Arabian horse of the competition. The winner will get the Trophy as well as 8000 euro prize money.

Beata Dzikowska, fot. Mateusz Jaworski
Beata Dzikowska, fot. Mateusz Jaworski

– This event is the most important in the season because all the best 7-8 years old horses of the world will be competing at Compiegne. This competition will show the best endurance sires as well as the best young horses in the world – said Beata Dzikowska, endurance rider and Champion Endurance Club owner, just before leaving to Compiegne.

This year two couples from her Club will compete at Compiegne: Olga Ciesielska on Efendi (Harbin – Eutrofia, br. SO Białka) and Ewelina Preis on Ashmin (Fawor – Aktorka, br. Z. Górski). There will be one more as well – Kamilia Tobiasz on Mu-Zahrat (Dobryń – Mu-Gaza, br. Z. Tobiasz). Efendi and Ashmin competed at two foreign events this year twice already. In June on the international event at Ermelo (Netherlands) Efendi was 4th on 100 km distance with speed of 14,20 km/h, and in July at German Championships on 80 km he was unfortunately eliminated after second vet gate (61 km), due to lameness. The second couple (Ashmin – Ewelina Preis) in Babolna internationals was 8th at 80 km distance, with tempo 15,85 km/h, and in July in Germany they were the only couple that ended up the distance and won with speed of 11,99 km/h on 120 km.

Ola Ciesielska i Efendi, fot. Mateusz Jaworski
Ola Ciesielska i Efendi, fot. Mateusz Jaworski

– We do hope that all the Polish horses will end the distance – says Beata Dzikowska – but, as to the horses from Champion Endurance Club we count also on some good tempo and places. We wish Efendi could go with the speed of 15 km/h, and Ashmin – 14 km/h. But we are not allowed to count on any particular places so far.

Besides the sport and breeding there is also marketing aspect of Compiegne event. Many of the horses that compete there change the owner just after the event in France.

– Many horses that end up the distance on first 5 places are being sold in France already for the prices as high as 100–200 000 euro – says Beata Dzikowska. – The buyers are not only sheiks, there are also some customers from Italy or Spain.

Ewelina Preis na Ashminie, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk
Ewelina Preis na Ashminie, fot. Maciej Kacprzyk

The only Polish horse that competed at Compiegne being sold just after the event (to UAE) was Gont 1998 (Wachlarz – Gruda, br. L. Jakubowicz) in 2005. Beata Dzikowska confirms that she would like to sell at least one of her horses competing there as well. Probably Ashmin will not come back to Poland if he reaches the minimum price.

Polish horses left for Compiegne on Tuesday and arrived safely on Wednesday. See our news section according to some most important news and results from Compiegne.

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