Saturday morning saw 103 horses gathered at the 18h Junior Arabian Horse Spring Show at Białka. Altogether 149 horses were entered – however some were a no-show, and some were to arrive the next day (the three year old colts and two and three year old fillies). As Mrs. Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka, the President of the Polish Arabian Horse Breeders Society, emphasized at the very beginning, it is the most numerously entered junior Arabian horse show in the world and in addition very prestigious. All classes, just as expected, were literally bursting at the seams with entrees. Also just as expected the lineup included very interesting offspring by many fashionable, foreign sires. The breeders were surely not disappointed with Enzo and Al Maraam, whose highly evaluated offspring originated mainly from Janów and Michałów, but not only. Unfortunately, the representation of horses by the widely used Psytadel and WH Justice offspring did not satisfy the appetites roused by the results achieved last year by Altis. There were no expected, spectacular successes, although we must note the high positions that the „Psytadels” from Minnesota Arabians claimed in their classes.

The first victory (among a group of 16 horses) belonged to Janów – their pupil by Enzo – Albano out of Alena by Emigrant was evaluated at 91 points. Behind him placed the Michałów-bred Dariusz by Al Maraam (89,33). In the Top Five of this class the State Studs had 3 colts, while the private breeders two: Echo Adonis (Chrcynno Stud) and Elmaraan (Nazaret Arabians), both by Al Maraam.

The second series of the yearling colts class (with 17 horses) ended with a tie that had to be resolved between Michałów’s Willars (by Al Maraam) and Embellon (by Poganin), both evaluated at 90,67. The winner turned out to be the son of Embella by Monogramm – the chestnut Embellon. The class Top Five also included Janów’s Wandalin by Ekstern and two private bred horses – Eragon (by Ganges) of Jan Głowacki and Emilio by Etnodrons Psyche of Petroniusz Frejlich.

Next in the ring the spectators welcomed two very interesting series of the two year old colts class, with 4 horses decorated in each series. In series A the Top Four consisted of three private bred horses, although the class was won by Janów’s Agar by Ekstern with a score of 90,67. Behind him placed: Lord Bey Shah of Mr. and Mrs. Pietrzak, evaluated exactly the same as a week before in Wels, the pleasant Czar-Dam by Poganin owned by Jan Dobrzyński and Elsati by Gaspar owned by Mr. and Mrs. Janowski.

The second series of the two year old colts saw the first „20s” of the show – they were given to the son of Poganin and Kwestura – Kabsztad, the winner of this class and the leader with the highest mark awarded to a stallion (92,33). Beside three State Stud horses awarded in this class there was also one of private breeding – Panicz (Gaspar – Pelisa by Europejczyk), bred and owned by Monika Luft. He placed third, behind Janów’s Aretus by Ekstern and ahead of Albedo by Piaff, also from Janów.

The yearling fillies were divided into three series. The first one consisted of 15 horses and the first place went to Janów’s Atma by Ekstern (90,67). Second came Janów’s Poezja by Enzo, while the third place was secured by Pasterna by Ekstern, bred and owned by Lech Błaszczyk before the Białka-bred Hesperia by Perseusz and Michałów’s Padova by Galba.

The next series of the yearling fillies class was referred to as „the class of death”. Among 18 horses two were evaluated over 90 points, including the highest score of the show for a filly: the extremely beautiful, Janów-bred Palabra by Enzo, strikingly similar to her dam Palmeta (92,33, including two “20s” for type and head & neck) and her stablemate Perespa out of Polenta (91,67), also by Enzo. The third place went to Michałów – an Al Maraam daughter – Emmbla. The fourth spot was secured by the only private bred filly in the Top Five – Gaja Iris by Poganin of Chrcynno Stud, while closing it off was Janów’s Ekscepcja by Aslan.

In the third series of the yearling fillies class there was once again a tie – this time between the full sister to Pianissima, Passionaria and Michałów’s Espinilla by Al Maraam, both evaluated at 91,67 points, despite Espinilla’s unfortunate stumble during her movement presentation. The tie resolved in a win for Michałów. Third place belonged to the largely heralded Melody by Psytadel of Mr. and Mrs. Pietrzak before Janów’s Elsterina by Aslan – surely one of the best daughters of her sire. The Top Five also saw Dębowa Łąka by Gaspar from Michałów.

The show was observed by Tomasz Skotnicki, currently residing in the US, once a breeder from Janów, later from Magness Arabians Farm (US), and an Honorary Consul to Poland in Colorado. According to him the Białka show opens opportunities for the presentation of new directions in breeding, as foreign bred horses can also be entered.
„We ceased to speak of a Polish type of horse”, points out Tomasz Skotnicki. “Such does no longer exist, today’s horse is an international type of horse. The introduction of foreign stallions, of course with much consideration and subtleness, can definitely raise Polish breeding to a higher level. Especially when it comes to type, but at the same time we must remember not to spoil the conformation. According to the judges, no horse deserved high marks for legs today. In my opinion it is a distortion in the judging, because I find it hard to believe that among more than a hundred horses there was none with “19” point legs, especially if they deserved high scores for type. I am pleased with the large participation of

private breeders and their evident progress – just a couple of years ago their entering the Top Five was out of the question. Even if they still don’t compete as equals, they clearly draw attention. It must be pointed out that the handlers from the State Studs are easily recognized and it is generally known that the best trainers train the best horses. The State Studs also choose their best offspring for the show… A positive aspect is that young people are also into showing – some of the younger handlers coped rather well with the task at hand. There were no cases of brutal handling, which we often meet with in the US, but also in Europe. A very moderate use of the whip and chain is praiseworthy. I have to add that Polish breeders have huge ambitions, which result in interesting competition. My favorite today was Janów’s grey Palabra.”
Read about the results of the championships here: Palabra best in Białka