In the beautiful scenery combining the Hungarian Puszta tradition amongst the fields and vineyards but in 30 degrees heat the first day of international C show at Balatonlelle upon Lake Balaton (Hungary) took place. The Radpuszta training center that hosts the show is a greatly equipped center and the event itself is a kind of continuation of Babolna show. It combines not only Arabian but also Shagya horses being the Hungarian national heritage. Radpuszta is the Hungarian equivalent but much more bigger of Farma Sielanka equestrian center by Warka in Poland. Part of it resembles the film scenery with the architecture of Michałów State Stud.
In the Arabian part of the event Polish competitors took part with big success placed at the top of the classes. The first to compete was Fascyt (Ekstern – Firosetta/Eldon), br. by priest Stanisław Sławiński, o. by Mr.&Mrs Rudziński. At yearling colts placed second after TM Aragorn (TM Aikor – Lady Annie/Padron), br/o. by TA Merij Arabians (Austria). The next class, of two year old colts, was won by Panicz (Gaspar – Pelisa/Europejczyk), br/o. by Monika Luft, in front of another Polish competitor Ferro (BS Black Fable – Forsycja/Fawor), br. by Silvatica Black Arabians, o. by Borys Pardus. Ferro showed the movements very well scored 2×10 but Panicz with his new trainer Marek Demczuk on the lead won with the type scores (3 x 9) among others.
At yearling fillies Poland was represented by Daisy (DA Vinci FM – AP Sheez Sassy/Bey Shah), br. by Freelandfarm LLC, USA, on lease to Andrzej Wójtowicz. The filly, scored with 10 for type, has beaten her rivals and placed first in front of ZA Topaz (SC Dyonn – Tessy/Teyszir B), br/o. by Zimelie Arabians, the hosts of the show. The next class, of two year old fillies, was again the victory of Polish breeders. The winner was Zingara (Psytadel – Zaliczka/Borek), br/o. by Katarzyna Dolińska (Zalia Arabians) in front of ZA Nafisa (S.C. Dyonn – DA Nicosia/Vatican), br. by Zimelie Arabians, o. by Amelie Berengyan.
In the last class, of 3 year old mares, there were no Polish horses but the winners had horses important for Polish breeding in their pedigrees. The class was won by Austrian granddaughter of Polish Emigrant – TM Walentina (Desant – TM Walijka/Emigrant), br. by TA Merij Arabians, o. by HD-Arab. As second placed a granddaughter of Europejczyk Imola (out of 1835 Inesgan/Pap), br/o. by Mihaly Csak, Hungary.
Today another Polish horse to go at 7-10 year old stallions will be Mihrab (Borek – Minorka/Wermut), br. by Andrzej Mroczek, owned and trained by Zuzanna Zajbt.
All participants agree that the location of this show can cause its high popularity in the future. This year, because of the late affiliation, the number of participants was not so high.
Dr. Manfred Neubacher, Austria
Vreni Egli, Switzerland
Walter Koch, Germany
Claudio Conradty, Germany
Rudolf Weiss, Austria
Judge trainee: Tomasz Tarczyński, Poland