The new show, affiliated by ECAHO as C-ranked, took place last weekend (Friday-Saturday, 22nd-23rd of August) in Nowe Wrońska near Płońsk. Organized in grand style, the Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival was the first truly international show in our country for years, as it saw not only horses of foreign owners which are stabled in Polish training stables, but also horses that travelled more than a thousand kilometers specifically to participate in this event. The Festival also included an A stakes race on Sunday for 4 year olds and above (24th of August) at the Warsaw Służewiec track for the Al Khalediah Poland Cup trophy.
The spirit of the late Director Jaworowski watches over the championships

The show was organized by Polska AKF, a branch of the Saudi Arabian Al Khalediah Stud, which in turn organizes the huge international horse festival near Riyadh – PSAIAHF. The Saudi Arabian owner has no reason to be embarrassed about its younger Polish brother. There were plenty of equine participants (106 entries, 95 present, including almost twenty from abroad), the weather was perfect (with no downpours to cause changes in the program) and plenty of spectators, which had only good things to say about the friendly atmosphere of the show.

Comfortable pathways allowing for the mingling of both exhibitors and the public, a vast VIP tent, elegantly equipped with soft chairs for comfortable viewing pleasure, a good selection of music with a theme composed especially for this event by the young Polish musician Artur Telakowiec, impressive LED boards around the arena with the logos of class’ sponsors and media patrons. Those were the amenities for the people. For the horses were spacious stalls in tent stables of world class quality. The show ran smoothly, without delays and long breaks – the r

ingmaster’s assistant, Mateusz Jaworski, put in a lot of effort to have the judges’ cards quickly delivered to the show office and Wiesław Pawłowski, responsible for the checking and publishing of the results, immediately entered them into the computer. After each class the guests received printed results. The show was led by Monika Luft and Artur Orzech. The team of “Świat Koni”, which provided the online broadcast, must also be praised for a job well done.

The show was accompanied by rather huge emotions, mainly due to the valuable prizes funded by the organizer. In the end four Mercedes Benz cars (two A-class and two CLA-class) all headed for Michałów. The stud under the management of Director Jerzy Białobok gave no chance to other contestants, though we saw true stars on the arena, which could’ve easily been an adornment of every A-ranked show – including the World Junior Reserve Champion from 2006, Panarea by Palawan and this year’s winners from Chantilly – Mounira J and Gallardo J. But Michałów brought its best group of horses to the show premises, directly from Janów Podlaski, together with the reigning National Champions. This representation proved unbeatable. Perhaps

the late Director Jaworowski himself watched over the championships from above, as he was born here 90 years ago (1924), in an estate that included the land owned today by Polska AKF. This fact was noted by Mr. Hubert Kulesza, the festival’s host, in his welcome speech. Today the result of the championships is a confirmation of Director Jaworowski’s breeding decisions: all four champions descend from dams by Ekstern – the pride of Director Jerzy Białobok, a son of Monogramm, leased by none other than Director Jaworowski himself.
The yearling fillies: the Polish “Kahils” versus the rest of the world

The yearling fillies were divided into two series, A and B. The first of them (9 participants) was won by the future Junior Bronze Champion AJ Sayeda (Vervaldee – Sweet Caroline LL/Legacy of Fame), bred and owned by Ajman Stud. The contestant arrived from Germany together with other charges of trainer Frank Spoenle. And it was her who received the first “20” of the show – for movement. Second placed the afore mentioned Mounira J (Emerald J – Magnificent Lady J/Extreme), the future silver champion, owned by Al Muawd Stud (Saudi Arabia)

and bred by Mrs. Christine Jamar (Belgium). The filly came to Nowe Wrońska together with other charges of Jadem Arabians. The third spot belonged to another Ajman filly – AJ Barari (Vervaldee – La Bella Versace FR/Versace). The first two spots in each class were awarded with Swiss watches, the third with a fountain pen set and the last two with special edition fountain pens. The B series (11 participants) was won by Michałów’s Pustynia Kahila (Kahil Al Shaqab – Pustynna Malwa/Ekstern), the Bronze Champion from Janów and as it soon turned out – the Gold Champion from Nowe Wrońska. The filly received top marks for type from all the judges and one “20” for

movement, which translated to a final score of 94 points. It must be noted that the judges (Christina Wale from Sweden, Titti Gagliani from Italy, Claudia Darius from Germany and Scott Benjamin from Canada) – despite a high quality of the entered horses – did not give away the top marks loosely. Behind Pustynia Kahila placed another Michałów daughter of Kahil Al Shaqab, Parmania (out of Parmana by Al Maraam) and third came yet another Polish Kahil, this time from Janów – Prometida (out of Panonia/Eukaliptus), the Silver Champion from Białka.

In the two year old fillies (8 participants) class it were Janów’s representatives of the Scherife damline that had the last laugh – Anawera (Piaff – Altamira/Ekstern) and Atanda (Eden C – Atma/Ekstern), between which placed the Wojciech Parczewski owned Angelina (Elmaran – Antalia Bay DD/El Amin). The filly from Best Arabians was the first Polish private bred representative that managed to qualify for the finals. In the three year old fillies class (12 rivals) the private breeders from Poland had less luck or their charges did not appeal to the judges so much. The first place belonged to Inspired Najla (Ajman Moniscione – Natalia/Narym) from Ajman Stud, the second to Mississipi J (QR Marc – Magnificent Lady J/Extreme) of Jadem Arabians and the third to Janów’s Ekstern daughter El Fada (out of El Fatha/Entyk). The winner of this class snatched a top mark for type, whereas the second place holder two “20s” for head and neck.
Morion bewitches the judges

After a lunch break came time for the junior stallions. Out of the 13 yearlings one had magic powers and dazzled both judges and spectators alike – Michałów’s Morion (Kahil Al Shaqab – Mesalina/Ekstern), who ended the competition with two “20s” for type and another for head and neck. A high total score of 93,83 translated the next day to a gold medal and keys to a Mercedes Benz. The champion from Białka and Janów, similarly to his senior stablemate Equator, is currently having his five minutes of fame. We will definitely be following his performances abroad. Today he

has no worthy rival in Poland. Second placed the future silver medalist (and one of two Polish private bred representatives on the podium), Lord El Shawan (FA El Shawan – Lady Serenada/Ekstern), bred and owned by Małgorzata and Józef Pietrzak, for whom it is the second silver medal this season (after the Buksza show). Third came the son of the reigning Polish National Champion Pepita (by Ekstern) and Kahil Al Shaqab – Janów’s Pitawal.

The class of two year old colts saw fewer contestants – there were just 6 of them in class. The best turned out to be the champion from Białka and Buksza – Eurogrant OZ (Ajman Moniscione – Ekspiacja/Emigrant), of Israeli breeding (Ofer Meiri & Yitzhak Dror), owned by the foreign duo together with Białka Stud. Next came Psyche Ull (Forteynas Magic – Psyche Victoria/Ekstern) from Chrcynno-Palace Stud, another private bred horse qualified for the finals and Agordat (Echo Ofira – Altara/Gazal Al Shaqab), bred and owned by Janusz Ryżkowski.

But the least number of entries was seen in the three year old colts class – just four participants, so all of them received ribbons. The winner was Białka’s Cefir (Eryks – Celina/Metropolis NA), a silver medalist from Buksza, behind him Gajman PS (Ajman Moniscione – Gracja Bis/Monogramm), bred by Przemysław Sawicki and owned by Al Safinat Stud – the later Junior Bronze Champion, who added this medal to the bronze one from Buksza – and Gotico (WH Justice – Ginga/Galba), bred and owned by Piotr Podgórny from M Arabians, Poland.

On Friday – just before the evening festivities which belonged to the “banqueteers” and the Żuki music group – we managed to watch the 4-6 year old mares class (8 contestants). And once again we witnessed the supremacy of Michałów. The class was won by Zigi Zana (QR Marc – Zagrobla/Monogramm), with a “20” for type and two “20s” for movement (final score: 93,17), in front of Emandilla (Om El Shahmaan – Espadrilla/Monogramm). Third came Echo Aurora (Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D – Echo Afrodyta/Piaff) from Chrcynno-Palace, whose charm was appreciated by the judges with a “20” for type and two “20s” for movement (92,5). In the finals Zigi Zana took the podium beside her Michałów stablemates, awarded with a bronze medal.
The mares move like hell!

Saturday welcomed both contestants and guests with an autumn chill, but without rain, which unfortunately did not omit the participants of the Sunday stake race (also a part of the Festival program). The spectators prepared themselves to watch the 7 years old and above mares class (divided into two series) and the senior stallions classes. The senior mares’ class had the most absences – 2 mares were withdrawn from the A series, 3 from the B series and as a result both had just 5 participants each. But what participants they were! The A series saw international

multi-champions from Chrcynno-Palace – Chaos Persefona (Poganin – Ceres/Ganges) and Psyche Victoria (Ekstern – Pallas Atena/Ecaho), as well as Michałów’s show star Wilda (Gazal Al Shaqab – Wilga/Ekstern); the B series boasted the afore mentioned World Junior Reserve Champion Panarea by Palawan (WH Justice – Palawan/Padrons Ghibli) bred in Italy by Michele Boscarino and owned by Ajman Stud and two Monogramm daughters, the classic Michałów broodmares: the 19 year old Palmira (out of Palestra/Penitent) and the 20 year old Georgia (out of

Gizela/Palas), crowned a week earlier as Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare. Wilda took the judges by storm, earning three “20s” for type, two “20s” for head and neck and three “20s” for movement. Her final score of 94,33 was the show’s second point result. The charges of Chrcynno-Palace placed second and third and their marks for movement (19,5-20-20 and 19,5-20-19,5) reflected the well-known fact that Arabians from Chrcynno can move like no other.

The show’s highest score, as it soon turned out, belonged to Georgia. Three “20s” for type and three “20s” for movement plus high marks for other traits (including a “19” for body and topline) gave her a result of 94,5! Palmira (94,17, including two “20s” for type, one “20” for head and neck and three “20s” for movement) came second. Panarea by Palawan placed third, but if the award was given for best head she would’ve been the winner, because all three judges recognized her with “20s” for this trait. She received two other “20s” for type (and a final score of 93,67). Without all doubt the senior mares classes were very spectacular and every show organizer would’ve been proud to have such beauties on his arena.
Impressive senior stallions

But the stallions also gave impressive performances. Among the 4-6 year olds (7 contestants) the highest marks went to Michałów’s Equator (QR Marc – Ekliptyka/Ekstern), the freshly crowned Polish National Senior Stallion: three “20s” for type, one “20” for head and neck and three “20s” for movement (93,67). Right behind him placed the German arrival (Gestüt Osterhof) Juwel OS (WH Justice – Swana/Kubinec) and third – the private bred (Jan Głowacki) Polish Eternal (FS Bengali – Ewitacja/Ganges). The 7 years old stallions and above (also 7 participants) gave first place to Michałów’s son of Kwestura/Monogramm, Kabsztad (by Poganin) –

a “20” for type and three “20s” for movement – second to Janów’s Palatino (Pesal – Palmeta/Ecaho) and third – to the Belgian Hypnotic Ibn Eternity-D (Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D – WH Marissa Rose/Magnum Psyche), bred by Dion Arabians and owned by Detrimmo NV. The latter, performing with the number 100, gained a “20” for type, as well as head and neck, but slightly lower marks for body and topline prevented him for qualifying for the finals. In the end the medals went to Michałów (gold for Equator, bronze for Kabsztad) and Osterhof (silver for Juwel OS).

And so seven medals made their way to Michałów (plus the Best in Show award for Morion, who outdid senior, more experienced horses – Wilda and Equator), three went abroad and two stayed with the Polish private breeders (the Junior Bronze Champion Stallion Gajman OS is registered as Polish-owned).
The day’s final accent was a concert of the Moderato Warka Town Orchestra, consisting of several dozen musicians, conducted by Artur Gębski. And so came to end the first European show under

the banner of Al Khalediah. We can only hope that the owner decides to continue this concept, because such an international event, organized in such grand style in terms of horse quality has not yet been seen in Poland. And the entire festival closed off with the Sunday stake race over a distance of 1600 m with a purse of 52,500 PLN. After a thrilling finish down the last stretch the race was won by Aziz (Nougatin – Aaran by Borysław), bred and owned by Zbigniew Górski, trained by Małgorzata Łojek with jockey Martin Srnec in the irons.
Results: http://akeahf.com/results
Video: http://www.swiatkoni.pl/videos/list.html
Photo gallery by Ewa Imielska-Hebda