When the birth of the first Polish daughter of Wieża Mocy (QR Marc – Wieża Marzeń/Ekstern) was announced, the Michałów Stud informed that the possibility of taking embryos from Michałów-bred mares by foreign leasers is over.
“Wieża Mocy’s first foal – the filly by Michałów’s own Ganges was born on Sunday, May 14th, right before midnight”, we read in the statement published yesterday on the Michałów’s web page. “The bay filly is the first naturally born foal of Wieża Mocy. With that the era of foreign embryotransfers from Michałów’s mares has been irrevocably closed”.
Let’s recall that Wieża Mocy has already got progeny in America, born by embryotransfer during her lease in 2015. They are: Wieza Noor ORA (by Hariry Al Shaqab), owned by Janey Morse from Oak Ridge Arabians, Wieza Bella (by Pogrom), owned by Cedar Ridge Arabians, and Wieza Ahira (by A Jericho), owned by the Abel family from Canada.
As we were informed, Michałów breeders are satisfied with the first naturally born foal out of Wieża Mocy. The filly was named Wieża Orientu (“Tower of Orient”).
Does it mean that the Michałów Stud will not lease its mares abroad? The Breeding Director Mrs. Hanna Sztuka explains that such transactions are to be continued, but without the right of taking embryos. Just now on lease is Galerida, who will be shown in this season, for example at the Menton Championship. Yet the Al Baydaa Stud, where she is on lease, will not be allowed to take embryos from her.
– The embryotransfer will be allowed, but only in Poland, under the control of the Stud – adds Hanna Sztuka. – Foreign customers will be able to buy embryos only in the way of open bidding. This is an elite material, so valuable, that deserves a special care. Everything what is in excess, loses its value.
The President of Michałów Stud, Dr. Maciej Paweł Grzechnik, explains that according to the Polish law, there would be taken one embryo from one mare per year, under control of Michałów Stud: – We’d like to avoid the situation of uncontrolled embryotaking. We stay on the guard of the unique genetic material. The strength of Polish breeding consists in its quality and history. We wouldn’t like to give up the sale but we want to continue it according to the principles accepted by the Polish law.