Zalia Arabians: from Zaliczka to Parnassus


Zalia Arabians: from Zaliczka to Parnassus

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Poruta, by Lilianna Dembska
Poruta, by Lilianna Dembska

The stud Zalia Arabians is located on the outskirts of Łódź (Poland), the town which is vibrant with life. The stud was established in 2001 when the owners, who were fascinated with the charisma of those desert animals, decided to purchase the first horse of pure Arabian blood. The stud is led by Katarzyna Dolińska and Robert Witkowski. Katarzyna is well-known not only to the Arabians enthusiasts, but to all the other horse breeds enthusiasts thanks to the photos of her authorship, which have been published for years in Polish and international media. Robert, on the other hand, is known from the show rings, where he personally presents both the horses bred by Zalia Arabians and by his customers.

Valerio Ibn Eternity, photo from Samsara Arabians archives
Valerio Ibn Eternity, photo from Samsara Arabians archives

The name of the stud comes from the first Arabian mare, who was Zaliczka (Borek – Zadziora/Banat). This mare gave birth to 6 foals in the stud, including three by Psytadel, and out of them, undoubtedly, the best filly was the bay Zingara, who was born in 2006. Precisely this mare started their adventure with shows, receiving as a yearling the third place in her class at the Autumn Arabian Horse Show in Janów Podlaski, in 2007. In the next season, she won the class of two-year-old fillies at the international C-show, Arab Lovak Nemzetközi Kiállítása (Hungary) and she managed to be in top-five of two-year-old fillies class during the 20th Polish Arabian Junior Spring Show in Białka.

Entia, by Lilianna Dembska
Entia, by Lilianna Dembska

One of the most beautiful daughters of that American sire, born in Zalia Arabians – Entia, was kept at the stud. Entia (out of Enona/Fawor), dark bay, with a tiny star on her forehead is undoubtedly a progressing filly with a great potential, which is confirmed by her achievements to date. She made a very good start, having received a high scoring 90,33 in Białka and being some time later in top five of yearling fillies class during the XXXI Polish National Arabian Horse Show in Janów Podlaski. Her fourth position is especially pleasing because she was to struggle with two most beautiful fillies of her class, the Polish Champion Wieża Róż and Parmana.

Czaparall, by Katarzyna Dolińska
Czaparall, by Katarzyna Dolińska

Nowadays, this breeding consists of eight mares and a dozen or so of youth representatives. The basic task for the stud programme is to raise a horse emanating with beauty, with an exotic head, regularly shaped neck, having good topline and above all it should be a horse with an amazing movement. Therefore, in 2008 the stud imported from US two daughters of the epochal stallion Monogramm, who is famous in the international breeding for being the sire of fantastically moving horses of showpiece appearances. The first one is the chestnut Czaparall (out of Czelseas Pony/Gondolier), a fine mare who has a totally phenomenal, prominent movement, with a long phase of suspension, a beautiful eye and a swan’s neck. Additionally, her pedigree is especially interesting because her dam is by Gondolier (Palas – Gonagra/Negatiw), Polish National Champion (1980), European Champion (1980) and World Champion (1982). He was used in Polish breeding on a small scale and after he had been sold in the 80s to US, there was nothing to be preserved by him in his motherhood stud (Janów Podlaski). Gondolier’s blood came back to Poland after several dozen of years thanks to Zalia Arabians and this year the first Czaparall’s foal has been born. This is a grey colt Calypso Eternity (by Valerio Ibn Eternity) who began this year’s foaling season on New Year’s

Calypso Eternity, by Sylwia Iłenda
Calypso Eternity, by Sylwia Iłenda

Eve at 4 a.m. He inherited an expressive movement from his dam and an Egyptian appearance with a noble, short head from his sire. This colt is the first foal who has been born in Poland by this Belgian stallion, who represents one of the most titled branch of the sire line Saklawi. From the line of Ansata Sinan comes among others the Res. World Champion Khidar and World Champion, Qatar, Dubai and Las Vegas Champion Escape Ibn Navarrone-D and also the sire of Valerio, World Champion Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D. The colt confirmed the rightness of the decision of having taken on lease the stallion Valerio Ibn Eternity for the 2011 season. He will come to Zalia Arabians this year, in the autumn. The owners want to invite everybody to Open House which is tentatively planned in November. What we can say without any doubts is that the arriving of this Champion of Belgium, who has achieved high positions during many international A-shows, will be an alternative to the Polish breeders who are looking for different flows of blood.

After two months, the second „monogramm mare”, who was imported from US by Zalia Arabians, landed in the airport of Amsterdam. That was the chestnut Monalisiana who combines the blood of Egyptian horses and Crabbet Park with some returns to the valuable Polish Skowronek. This mare is just starting her breeding career which was initiated by giving birth to the double European Res. Champion Ajman Monisione (by WH Justice) son. This chestnut colt, named Martiz, strongly resembles his grandsire Monogramm, after whom he even inherited a very similar variety of his head.

Poruta, by Lilianna Dembska
Poruta, by Lilianna Dembska

The third and at the same time the most valuable daughter of Monogramm, who stays in Zalia Arabians, is the grey Poruta (out of Premia/Palas) who is called by her owners „the Queen of the Stud”. She comes from the subline of Pliszka which is also the origin of the chestnut stallion Premier (Monogramm – Premiera/Piechur), Top Ten Senior Stallion of the World Championship in Paris and the champion of Mercedes Cup (Borgloon), the grey Palanga (Ekstern – Panika/Eukaliptus), European Res. Senior Champion Mare (Moorsele, BE) and the Polish Res. National Champion Mare. To the subline of Pliszka belong also the stars of the recent Pride of Poland auctions – Pralina (85 thousands euro) and Peczora (90 thousands euro). This exceptionally charismatic mare of big eyes, which are inhabited by the „desert soul”, gave birth to two extraordinary colts in the stud.

Primero Marc, by Sylwia Iłenda
Primero Marc, by Sylwia Iłenda

The first of them is a grey yearling Primero Marc by Res. World Champion QR Marc who, as this year’s Białka has shown, made a perfect combination with Polish mares. This young colt is the possessor of the blood of the world renown sires such as Marwan Al Shaqab and Magic Dream (both of them by Ruminaja Ali), Bey Shah and Monogramm. Those combinations allowed to create a horse of modern kind, with a pike-like profile, with a broad forehead and a big, sharp eye. This progressing, young stallion has attracted a lot of breeder’s attention so far.

Parnassus, by Katarzyna Dolińska
Parnassus, by Katarzyna Dolińska

In that case, it is not surprising that another Poruta’s foal had been so much expected. In fact, Poruta proves that she is a mare of a great potential. On June 2nd, the fourth of this year’s offspring by Ajman Moniscione was born, who at the same time is the last of the six foals that have been born this year in Zalia Arabians. The colt’s name was inspired by the film „Parnassus” which tells the story of an immortal doctor, who, thanks to the pact with the devil, can manipulate the imagination of other people and tell what their dreams are. We must admit that this colt has some features of his namesake because thanks to his foal-like appearance he catches the eye of all the stud visitors.

Pogoria, by Sylwia Iłenda
Pogoria, by Sylwia Iłenda

Monogramm’s blood flows also in the veins of the young daughter of the multichampion stallion Ekstern, the grey Pogoria (out of Promocja/Eukaliptus) who comes from the same subline as Poruta. On St. Valentine’s Day, this particular mare gave birth to an Ajman Moniscione daughter who was named Prema, which in Hinduism means the pure and holy love. Since her birth, this grey filly has delighted everybody with a dynamic, full of expression movement, just as if she swam in the air.

The stud Zalia Arabians from the very beginning has put a big pressure on the origin of their mares. This is why the grey Erica (Poganin – Erotika/Pesal), who comes from the family „E” from Michałów State Stud which is deservedly known as „the smithy of champions”, became a part of this noble herd. This mare surprised her owners very positively by giving birth to a promising, high-legged filly Evolett by Ajman Moniscione, with a pretty head and a good body.

Evolett, by Katarzyna Dolińska
Evolett, by Katarzyna Dolińska

Taking into consideration the huge potential included in this dam line, the owners have always dreamt of extending the breeding with one more representative of this family. The long quests beard fruit. An amazing, grey mare from Belgium breeding, Elandra was imported. Elandra combines the blood of one of the most valuable mare bred in Poland – Emigracja, through her daughter, the mare Efemeryda (by Eukaliptus) and also through one of the most famous sires of the international breeding stage of the last 20 years, Sanadik El Saklan, the sire of Om El Extreem, the National Champion of Spain in 2004, who is the sire of this mare. The breeders hope that the mare of such unusual pedigree in Poland, which is abundant with the stars of international breeding fame, will fulfill all the hopes put in her and that her first foal, born in Poland, will begin the foaling season in Zalia Arabians in 2011.

Another mare that belongs to Zalia Arabians represents the blood of another daughter of Emigracja, through the dreamlike Emancja (by Eukaliptus) – the dam of such outstanding mares as the World Champion Emanda (the dam of the magical World and European Champion Emandoria), Espadrilla or Embella, both of them by Monogramm. The latter is the price record holder of the auction Pride of Poland in 2003, where she was sold as Lot 1 for the sum of 140 thousands euro. This is just her who is the granddam of Ershana (out of Energida/Werbum), who was purchased from the breeder Monika Luft in the spring, this year. This yearling filly has an uncommon pedigree not only because of her dam line but also because of her sire’s. She is the only Polish daughter of the Scottsdale Champion, the Canada and US Res. Champion Pershahn El Jamaal who was announced as one of the best sons of the epochal Ali Jamaal (by Ruminaja Ali).

In the future, the female line of Milordka will be additionally supported by the daughter of the bay, female Elaja (Monar – Elicja/ Wachlarz) who is the well-favored daughter of a Polish stallion Eryks (out of Emmona/Monogramm). This mare bears the features that are characteristic for the offspring of Gazal Al Shaqab who is her grandsire.

Karla, by Sylwia Iłenda
Karla, by Sylwia Iłenda

The last mare who joined the basic herd was the grey mare in a desert type, who is gifted with a free and efficient movement, is called Karla. She represents the famous subline of Kabała (by Palas) who left to the Polish breeding the US Champion Mare Kawalkada (by Penitent) and the international champion Kordelas (by Monogramm), among others, but more importantly the mare Kwesta (by Pesennik) who gave the phenomenal Kwestura – the double World Champion Mare and the record holder of the Pride of Poland auction in 2008. Her half-sister, the daughter of the Israeli Laheeb, the grey Karolina, in combination with the World Champion Galba gave birth to Karla in 2006. Karla is now expecting her offspring by Ekstern.

The herd which has been chosen so carefully let us believe that the owners of Zalia Arabians will fulfill their big dream, that is to breed a horse of showpiece appearance, correctly build and with an expressive movement. The most important fact is that the stud became the passion of their lives which can be observed by every visitor just after crossing the gate. The breeders spend most of the day in the stable because they take care of the horses by themselves which allows them to get to know both the strong and the weak features of their charges which is essential in the breeding process. Each foal is a long-awaited fruit of discussions, and sometimes even quarrels, which last many hours and which finally finish with a compromise. As the real breeders would do, every new member of this family is welcome in the world by his/her owners personally because all of the foalbirths are monitored and the breeders take care of everything going fine. You cannot resist the impression that the horses occupy the first place in here and that the whole world is revolving around them which actually makes the animals trustful and happy. All of this shows on what a big sacrifice, bulk of work and, most notably, love to these noble animals is based the history of the stud Zalia Arabians in Łódź.

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