All gold medals of the 30th Arabian Horse World Championships in Paris, just as it was last year, were granted to Middle Eastern studs. That’s why our dreams about the Triple Crown for Emandoria didn`t come true, although she improved anyway, gaining silver. Apart from the Poles, only the Italians (Silver in Junior Mares and Bronze in Junior Stallions) and the Belgians (Silver in Senior Stallions) managed to climb the podium among the horses from the Middle East.
Horses from more than 20 countries entered the show. Nevertheless, leading positions in classes and in the finals were occupied mostly by the well-known stars, awarded in previous competitions. The only exception made the filly Almasa (with plenty of Polish ancestors in her

pedigree), bred and owned in Jordan, who won the “A” Class for Junior Mares and finally got the Bronze. That`s why the guests in the VIP sector paid a little attention to the show, dealing rather with social contacts. Despite a rather disadvantageous location of the show grounds (Parc des Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte), the whole Arabian horse breeders elite meets here, making deals and negotiating transactions. In the grandstand, however, many seats were empty, especially on Friday, so the horses could be cheered only by their owners and their friends.

Because of the Jubilee Show some special awards were granted, as the one for the most multi-awarded breeders in the history of the show. That ranking was won by the Al Khalediah Stud (with 8 titles), whereas Michałów State Stud and Al Shaqab Stud were placed second, ex aequo, with 7 titles each. Published was also a ranking of the countries. First placed was Great Britain with 16 titles, second was Germany (14 titles) followed by France with 13 titles. Poland, with its 12 titles, was placed fourth, whereas the US and Qatar (10 titles) – fifth, Belgium and Saudi Arabia (9 titles) – 6th, UAE and Holland (6 titles) – 7th, Spain and Italy (4 titles) – 8th. It shows that France lost its leading position and for Great Britain the golden epoch of Pat Maxwell is over. On the other hand, after this year`s Championships Saudi Arabia and the UAE, with 3 more titles each, would surely improve their position. Besides, the Middle Eastern countries dominated not only the Arabian horse breeding, but also a football league. The petrol sheikhs sponsored such clubs as Manchester City, and Barcelona also lost its independence and let the Qatar Foundation, the owner of Al Shaqab Stud, to place its logo on the club T-shirts. Well, if such European sport as football could be dominated by Arab sheikhs, why not Arabian horses?

When in the show arena the judges evaluated horses, in the meantime they were evaluated by the participants, who once more came to a conclusion, that in Paris only heads were what counted. Generally, rather an Egyptian type (although not by all the judges) was preferred, whereas lower notes for topline or legs, exerting a certain influence on the order in classes, didn`t matter in the finals. It was not for the first time, when the marks for legs were significantly dispersed. The stallion Dakharo got from 14,5 to 17 points for that trait, whereas MCA Magnum Gold – from 13,5 to 17! By the way, that lowest mark was given by Scott Benjamin, but the judges weren`t unanimous in the finals, either. For example, FT Shaella was placed first in Junior Mares by all judges except Ann Norden, who preferred Piacenza form Poland, Alma Al Tiglio from Italy and Almasa from Jordan.

The luckiest breeder was Athbah Stud from Saudi Arabia, getting the Triple Crown in Junior Stallions. It was achieved by the colt Aja Justified, the Gold Medal winner form Aachen and Moorsele. He seemed to be a born showman, “dancing” with his handler with a visible joy. The public was delighted, despite a depigmentation around his eye, skillfully concealed with his forelock!
As it was to be expected, the results of World Championships were similar to those of All

Nations` Cup, not only because of another success of Aja Justified. As well as in Aachen, also in Paris the title of Junior Reserve Champion Stallion went to Al Shaqab Stud. In Aachen the winner of Silver Medal was Kahil Al Shaqab, whereas in Paris – Fadi Al Shaqab. In both cases the Bronze went to the Italian-owned colt RFI Farid. Among the fillies, FT Shaella and Alma Al Tiglio competed once more with the same result. Among the senior stallions QR Marc couldn`t defeat Baanderos again, whereas Ladi Veronika for another time got the Bronze in Senior Mares. It was only a pity, that Emandoria didn’t repeat her success from two previous shows.
Friday for Mares

The fillies’ classes were opened by Mystica Indiah (Marwan Al Shaqab – Miss Yahsminah Elamal/Antar Elamal), bred/owned by Robyn McGlinn from Mystica Arabians (Perth, Australia). That filly gained the Bronze Medal at Aachen, whereas now was placed only eleventh. The “A” Class for Junior Fillies was unexpectedly won by a debutante in European arenas – the grey Almasa (Monarcos DD – Jawaahir/Hlayyil Ramadan), of Jordan breeding. She got one “20” for head and neck, whereas 3 maximum scores for movement (her total score was 91,4). She outstripped Piacenza (QR Marc – Primawera/Emigrant) only by 0,1 point. Piacenza, in turn, outstripped her stablemate Zigi Zana (QR Marc – Zagrobla/Monogramm) by as much. Polish National Silver Medal winner divided the judges, because according to Scott Benjamin she deserved the total score of 92,5, whereas according to Willi Poth from Germany – only of 89,5. The award for the Most Beautiful Head was granted in this class to Turchiya MPE (WH Justice – Thee Rahiba/BJ Thee Mustafa), bred in Italy, owned by the Brazilian breeder Leandro de Aguilar. She was placed 5th (with 90,8 points), behind Al Princess Aliha (WH Justice – Al Aliha/DWD Tabasco), bred/owned by Gerhard Huber (Austria), getting 91,1 points.

The other class for Junior Fillies was opened by Michałów-bred Parmana (Al Maraam – Palmira/Monogramm), leased by Athbah Stud (Saudi Arabia). Handled by Glenn Schoukens, she was placed 5th. The class was won by a decided favorite, who later was granted the Junior Champion Filly title – FT Shaella (Shael Dream Desert – Soul Pretty TGS/Shahllenger), bred in Brazil (Rancho Quatro Estacoes), owned by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud. This refined, beautifully colored filly got 3×20 for type and an additional “20” for head nad neck. That gave her a total score of 93,2 points, what was connected with a special award for the highest estimated mare in the show. The prize was sponsored by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud – the filly`s owners – so they took the award back home. Her main rival from Aachen – the Italian-bred Alma Al Tiglio (Ajman Moniscione – Amnada Al Tiglio/Shamilah Masai Mara) – was defeated again, placed second in the class and in the Championships, with 92,0 points, but as a “consolation prize” she got the award for the Most Beautiful Head in her class.

In the “B” Class for Junior Fillies took part also two competitors fom the Polish Chrcynno-Palace Stud: Psyche Kreuza (Ekstern – Pallas-Atena/Ecaho) and Chaos Persefona (Poganin – Ceres/Ganges). Gracefully handled by Johanna Ullström, they were placed third (91,5) and eighth (90,1), respectively. This way Psyche Kreuza brought from Paris the same Top Ten title as her full sister Psyche Victoria. It is undoubtedly a great breeding success for Chrcynno-Pałac and its owner/manager Alicja Poszepczyńska. The chestnut filly Baila de Djoon (Ajman Moniscione – Shak Zakira/ZT Shakfantasy), bred at Osterhof (Germany), owned by the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Al Qasimi (UAE), placed fourth, with 90,8 points, got between Psyche Kreuza and Parmana, who was placed fifth.

In the “A” Class, for 4yo and older mares, four from six prizewinners came from Poland! Placed first was Michałów-bred Emandoria (Gazal Al Shaqab – Emanda/Ecaho), defeating Dutch-bred Bess Fa`Izah (WH Justice – Sharon El Kendal/Ass Kendal), starting in Ajman Stud colors and awarded for the best head and neck, by a hair`s breadth – by 0,1 point. She got a total score of 92,8, but Bess Fa`izah got her 92,7, including six “20s” for type and head & neck. That`s why in the finals 6 from 8 judges nominated her for the winner – but on Friday the Polish team still had great hopes for the Gold. In that outstandingly strong lot third placed was the Silver Medal winner from Aachen, Jamilla Al Zobair (Ashhal Al Rayyan – My Silk Stocking/Thee Desperado), bred by Al Zobair Stud, owned by Al Khalediah Stables (91,9, including a “20” for movement). She was closely followed by Polish contestants – Pistoria (Gazal Al Shaqab – Palmira/Monogramm) from Michałów (91,5) and Janów-bred: Pinga (Gazal Al Shaqab – Pilar by Fawor), 90,7 (including one “20” for movement), Sefora (Ekstern – Sawantka/Pepton), Cenoza (Ekstern – Celna/Alegro) and Etnologia (Gazal Al Shaqab – Etalanta/Europejczyk). Ninth placed was the Italian-bred, grey mare CF Shamila (Moroc – Ag Samsarah/Hadidi), later awarded with a special prize for the best pure Egyptian horse, founded by Rabab Stud.

Another class for Senior Mares was also full of stars, including two Michałów-bred ones, Emmona (Monogramm – Emilda/Pamir) and Zagrobla (Monogramm – Zguba/Enrilo), as well as the private-owned one, Egzyna (Eldon – Elganda/Monogramm), belonging to Janusz Ryżkowski. El Dorada (Sanadik El Shaklan – Emigrantka/Eukaliptus) was entered for the show, but didn`t attend it. The class was won by the laureate of the special prize for the Most Beautiful Head, later awarded with the Bronze Medal, Ladi Veronika (Versace – Nisrs Natevka/Ansata El Nisr), bred in the US and purchased to Dubai. The judges evaluated her for 93,2 points, including 5×20 for type and 2×20 for head and neck. Our Emmona also got a high total score (93,2, including 3×20 given by the French judge Marc Veray), but had to settle for the second position. Fourth placed was Zagrobla (91,8), defeated by the British-bred mare Athenaa (Ashhal Al Rayyan – Ass-Windi/Gonchar), owned by Athbah Stud. Egzyna, probably because of an exhausting journey, was placed seventh, with the total score of 89,9 points.
Saturday for Stallions

In the “A” Class for Junior Stallions Poland had two representatives: Janów-bred Pogrom (QR Marc – Pętla/Visbaden) and Michałów-bred Empire (Enzo – Emira/Laheeb). This year they competed in almost all show arenas in Poland and abroad, but for this time successful was Empire, placed 4th, with the note of 91 points. Pogrom was placed only 9th (90,4). The class was won by the frantically cheered Fadi Al Shaqab (Besson Carol – Abha Myra/Marwan Al Shaqab), bred/owned by Al Shaqab Stud, this year`s Champion of the Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival (92,6), ahead of Shamal Al Khalediah (Padrons Immage – Faaina At/ZT Faaiq) from Al Khalediah Stables (92,1), awarded for the Most Beautiful Head. Empire was outstripped also by the British colt Makisa Adaggio (Vervaldee – Maradisha/Ekstern), placed 3rd with 91,1. The announcer, Guy de la Fontaine, emphasized that this year both Junior and Senior Stallions represented a very high level, what instilled optimism in us about the future of Purebred Arabian horse breeding.

In the “B” Class one colt was especially likely to win – he was Aja Justified (WH Justice – Aja Beneja/FS Bengali), bred by Aja Arabians (Great Britain), owned by Athbah Stud (Saudi Arabia). He aspired to the Triple Crown and got it – with the total score of 92,7, including 3×20 for type, one “20” for head and neck and a special prize for the Most Beautiful Head in his class. The later Bronze Medal winner, RFI Farid (RFI Maktub – RFI Fayara El Shiraz/Shiraz El Jamaal), bred in Brazil, Italian-owned, was placed second in his class, with a note of 92,6. The later laureate of the “Hope Trophy”, sponsored by Al Khalediah Stables, American-bred El Chall WR (Magnum Chall HWP – Major Love Affair/DS Major Afire), was placed 3rd with the total score of 91,8, including 2×20, granted him by Scott Benjamin.

In the “A” Class of Senior Stallions squared up two eternal rivals – Baanderos (Marwan Al Shaqab – HB Bessolea/Besson Carol), bred by Taylor Hickman Arabians (USA), owned by Al Khalediah Stables (Saudi Arabia), against QR Marc (Marwan Al Shaqab – Sweet Dreams/Magic Dream), bred by Vicki and Louis Doyle (USA), owned by Paul Gheysens from Belgium. Two years ago they met in Junior Stallion World Championships and then Baanderos won, what disappointed Christine Jamar to tears. This year in Aachen QR Marc was also defeated by Baanderos and in Paris he also failed to get even with him, bringing back to Belgium „only” the award for the Most Beautiful Head. For the time being, Baanderos was twice granted the title of World Champion, whereas QR Marc – twice won the title of Reserve Champion. Nevertheless I think their competition will not be over, unless QR Marc finally gets the highest award. Moreover, his point scores prove a great acknowledgement of judges. 92,9, including nine twenties for type and head & neck, makes a very good result. He failed because of lowered note for body and topline (17,5), whereas Baanderos got 17 for legs and even 19,5

for topline. Probably more soft back of QR Marc was caused by his intensive breeding exploitation, whereas Baanderos wasn`t available for outside mares. During the competition within the class, QR Marc was also closely followed by Marquis CAHR (Marwan Al Shaqab – Rohara Magnifica/Echo Magnificoo) – another American-bred stallion, owned by Al Khalediah Stables, placed 3rd. He got the same total score as QR Marc (including 4×20 for type and movement), but with a lower score for type itself. Later on he got the Bronze Medal.
Such outstanding achievements of three American-bred sons of Marwan Al Shaqab decided about granting him a special award for the Best Sire, sponsored by Athbah Stud.

In the other class for Senior Stallions emotions were aroused by two Polish-bred sires: Poganin (Laheeb – Pohulanka/Pepton), bred and owned by Janów Podlaski and Girlan-Bey (Pesal – Gracja-Bis by Monogramm), bred by Michał Bogajewicz, starting in the colors of Athbah Stud. We counted for their good performance, but nobody backed the winning! It turned out, however, that Poganin won his class with a total score of 92,5, including a “20” for movement and as much as 17,5 for legs. Girlan-Bey, with 92,3 points (including 2×20 for movement) was placed second. Polish stallions outstripped such stars as Dakharo (Dakar El Jamaal – FOF Kharolina/Padrons Psyche), bred in the US, owned by Khalediah Stables (placed fourth, 91,3); MCA Magnum Gold (Magnum Psyche – Litigue/Litigator), American-bred, owned by the Sheikh Khaled Ahmed Bagedo (placed fifth, 91 points); or Rohara Baccara (Padrons Psyche – Sidia/Sidi-Brahim), bred by Rohara Arabians (USA) and owned by Naples Arabians

(Sweden). Those rivals of Polish stallions also brought home several prizes, as the award for the Most Beautiful Head for MCA Magnum Gold, or for the Best Movement granted to Rohara Baccara, handled by Johanna Ullström, whose notes for movement were as follows: 3×20, 2×19,5, 1×19. In that class third placed was German-bred and French-owned BS Specific (Sandstorm JC – Basara Saiyana M/Mel Nebli). The winning of Poganin was received with disbelief and deafening silence, especially from the rows of seats occupied by the breeders from the Middle East.
Sunday for Finals

The Sunday events were initiated by a children-and-youth choir, daringly performing “The Marseilleuse”. Handed were also special awards, mentioned before, including the prize for the Best Breeder of the Show. It was granted to Michałow Stud, for the class winning and silver medal of Emandoria, with additional points for Emmona and Piacenza, placed second in their classes.
Ten horses with the highest point scores from each class entered to the finals. Only in Senior Stallions` competition nine participants appeared in front of the public, because Dakharo wasn`t taken out. The final ten of mares was especially impressive, because it consisted only of grey beauties! The judges` votes were dispersed, only in nominating the Junior Champion Mare their verdict was nearly unanimous, except one judge, who didn`t recommend FT Shaella. In the case of the Junior Reserve Champion Mare the judges` votes were divided fifty-fifty, so finally the

advantage of Alma Al Tiglio was decided only by one vote. The Polish filly Piacenza got six recommendations, what gave her fourth place.
Even more dispersed were the judges` opinions in nominating the Senior Champion Mare. Two of them appointed other ones than the winner Bess Fa`Izah (Emandoria and Ladi Veronika). Apart from the medal winners, the highest number of recommendations (4) was given to Athenaa.

When the Junior Champion Stallion was nominated, the votes were divided 4:3:1, appointing Aja Justified, RFI Farid and Fadi Al Shaqab, respectively. Nevertheless, when the Junior Reserve Champion had to be appointed, the colt from Qatar got 5 recommendations. Apart from the medal winners, some votes were given for Shamal Al Khalediah and El Chall WR (two each) and for Empire (one).
In voting for the Senior Champion Stallion, six judges appointed Baanderos, whereas two recommended QR Marc. Among those, who didn`t climb the podium, BS Specific got two recommendations, whereas Poganin got one.

Finally Poland closed the show season with one Silver Medal and ten Top Ten titles brought from Paris. Apart from Emandoria, there were the following ones: Poganin, Pistoria, Emmona, Zagrobla, Zigi Zana, Piacenza, Empire, Psyche Kreuza and Parmana. Additionally, one more Top Ten title was granted to Girlan-Bey, who was bred in Poland. It proved a strong position of our breeding.
Recently the idea of shows is criticized more and more often. The most serious accusations concern promoting horses with faulty conformation and unsuitable to ride. Of course, such cases occur, but it isn`t a common trend. At least in Polish horses, many three-year-olds are temporarily excluded from show training in order to overcome the racing performance test. An example is the career of Pinga, shown in Paris. Many show performers of senior classes are

meanwhile trained under saddle, to improve their condition and movement. Let`s just recall the surprising show of Michael Byatt, riding Marwan Al Shaqab bareback in the finals of Paris Championships two years ago. After all, a lot of Gazal Al Shaqab progeny quite often take part in races and endurance trials. It couldn`t be denied, however, that just in Paris preferred are mainly refined heads, but that trait doesn`t obligatorily have to exclude a correct conformation. Judging by high notes got by Polish horses for legs or toplines, it seems, that exactly Polish breeders pay a proper attention to those important traits.
Senior Mares
Bess Fa’Izah (WH Justice – Sharon El Kendal/Ass Kendal), br. Bessewacht Arabians (Holland), o. Ajman Stud (UAE)
Emandoria (Gazal Al Shaqab – Emanda/Ecaho), br/o. Michałów State Stud (Poland)
Ladi Veronika (Versace – Nisrs Natevka/Ansata El Nisr), br. Linda L. Coger (USA), o. Dubai Arabian Horse Stud (UAE)
Junior Fillies
FT Shaella (Shael Dream Desert – Soul Pretty TGS/Shahllenger), br. Rancho Quatro Estacoes (Brazil), o. Dubai Arabian Horse Stud (UAE)
Alma Al Tiglio (Ajman Moniscione – Amanda Al Tiglio/Shamilah Masai Mara), br. Azienda Agricola Il Tiglio (Italy) o. Giancarlo Buzzi (Italy)
Almasa (Monarcos DD – Jawaahir/Hlayyil Ramadan), br. Royal Stables of Jordan, o. HRH Prince Mirza Hussein (Jordan)
Senior Stallions
Baanderos (Marwan Al Shaqab – HB Bessolea/Besson Carol), br. Taylor Hickman Arabians (USA), o. Al Khalediah Stables (Saudi Arabia)
QR Marc (Marwan Al Shaqab – Sweet Dreams/Magic Dream), br. Vicki i Louis Doyle (USA), o. Paul Gheysens (Belgium)
Marquis CAHR (Marwan Al Shaqab – Rohara Magnifica/Echo Magnifficoo), br. R. Graham & Sandra C. Powell (USA), o. Al Khalediah Stables (Saudi Arabia)
Junior Colts
Aja Justified (WH Justice – Aja Beneja/FS Bengali), br. Aja Arabians (GB), o. Athbah Stud (Saudi Arabia)
Fadi Al Shaqab (Besson Carol – Abha Myra/Marwan Al Shaqab), br/o. Al Shaqab Stud (Qatar)
RFI Farid (RFI Maktub – RFI Fayara El Shiraz/Shiraz El Jamaal), br. Haras Santo Antônio da Bela Vista (Brazil), o. Lucia Palumbo (Italy)
Read more: Polish Horses in Paris
Photo gallery from Paris by Lois Rose
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