If we were to assess the macroeconomic situation by the results of this year’s Pride of Poland Sale we should herald the end of all crises. However it is common knowledge that the Arabian horse market goes by its own rules and doesn’t necessarily reflect the global tendencies. Nevertheless a certain “sagging” could be felt over the last couple of years – there were less buyers, lower prices, more horses remained unsold. This time there was an air of optimism and the atmosphere of the auction itself was much better, because even those horses that returned to the stables unsold stirred interest – a huge feat, since in the past the auctioneer’s best efforts were sometimes met with a deadly silence. This year the auction was indeed a true gala of the Arabian horse and the buyers didn’t have to be begged to place quite high bids.
Prices and destinations

There weren’t any “high income” horses that would bring half a million euro, but nevertheless the vast majority of the horses changed owners. The public’s enthusiasm did well for the bidding. The highest sold horses, as expected, was the Michałów-bred young champion Piacolla (Enzo – Polonica/Ekstern). Just two years of age, she already has a huge collection of titles under her belt, including Junior Spring Show Champion Mare from Białka, Polish National Junior Champion from Janów Podlaski and European Junior Bronze Champion from Verona. The magnificent looking and full of charm bay filly was out of reach for many of the auction’s guests.

The highest price – 305 thousand euro – was offered by Athbah Stud from Saudi Arabia. And so Piacolla will join other Polish mares (Pomerania, Panika, Andaluzja, Ellissara, Etenta and Ermina) already owned by Prince Abdulaziz bin Ahmad bin Abdulaziz. After a very promising beginning, when the first three offered mares readily found buyers (Gazal Al Shaqab daughters: Norma for 250 thousand euro to Al Muawd Stud from Saudi Arabia, Perfirka for 220 thousand euro to Cedar Ridge Arabians from the US and Alabama for 165 thousand euro to

Qatar), there was a slight musical break before the “entrance of the dragon”, namely – the bidding for Piacolla (Lot 4). And though after her sale the tension subsided somewhat, the buyers still kept the momentum going. Already Lot 7 – Wieża Marc’a (by QR Marc), sold for 70 thousand euro to Sinus Arabian Stud (Sweden) – broke the barrier of one million euro. Two millions were “broken” after the sale of another Gazal Al Shaqab daughter, Windawa (45 thousand euro, Saudi Arabia). The overall outcome of the Sunday sale amounted to 2.074 million euro.

The purchases of Shirley Watts (UK) this year included three mares: Cenoza by Ekstern (240 thousand euro), Emantia by Emigrant (180 thousand euro) and Alhambra by Ecaho (140 thousand euro). What’s interesting is that the Halsdon Arabians breeder usually buys horses from Janów, but this time she decided also on a Michałów purchase (Emantia). Two horses from the main sale will remain in Poland: Pustynna Róża by Emigrant (15 thousand) and Piraneza by Ecaho (36 thousand). The first will enrich the stud of StanRed Arabians and the second of PPH Parys. Out of the stallions offered at the Summer Sale only one found a buyer – Pegasus (Gazal Al Shaqab – Pepesza/Eukaliptus) and he will also stay in Poland. Only Europia, Chimera, Dębowa Polana and Elima left the ring unsold, but in the course of post-sale negotiations the last two found buyers soon after.

Clients from Iran made themselves seen with their purchases of Papusza (20 thousand), Piera (81 thousand), Zigana (34 thousand), Perrara (7 thousand) and during the Summer Sale – Herminja (7 thousand). Monday’s Summer Sale revealed that new destinations for Arabian horses are in the making: heading for Namibia (Africa) are three daughters of Ganges: Janów’s Eora (12 thousand) and Czartana (10 thousand) and Michałów’s Drzewica (18 thousand).
The private breeders also had reasons to celebrate. Fortycja (Pegasus – Florencja/Oset) from Bełżyce Stud was sold to Saudi Arabia for 80 thousand, Falborek’s Szanta (Ekstern –

Słonka/Wojsław) to Germany for 24 thousand, whereas Przemysław Sawicki’s Lenka (Piaff – Ludmiła/Pesal) also went to Germany for 37 thousand. Not to mention the rather large sums that the Monday Summer Sale brought. Its record holder was the Lech Błaszczyk bred Elfera (Psytadel – Eiffla/Ekstern). Buyers from Saudi Arabia paid 42 thousand. The yearling Zinaria (Shanghai E.A. – Zeksterna/Ekstern, Czeple Arabians) achieved 20 thousand (Saudi Arabia); Bint Mama (Marajj – Bint Moleta/Ecaho) from Falborek – 16 thousand (Kuwait); similarly her stablemate

Sotika (WH Justice – Słonka/Wojsław), which will head for Germany; Moja Miła (Złocień – Malowana Lala/Empres) of Krzysztof Falba – 23 thousand (Saudi Arabia), Ewitacja (Ganges – Ewunia/Etogram) from Mała Wieś – 7,5 thousand (Saudi Arabia), Missouri (Wachlarz – Mina/Monogramm) – 14 thousand (Saudi Arabia). Only three mares from the Summer Sale remained unsold (out of 26) which is an unusual result in comparison to previous sales (last year only 8 were sold out of the 26 offered). The concept of creating a separate Monday sale appears to be a huge hit and seems to be developing in the right direction.
The Polish Nationals, Friday. A stallion surprise

Everyone thought that the outcome of the stallion finals were a given. The trends of the youngest generation were revealed by the Białka show and the older horses hid no surprises before the public. In previous years private bred horses were sometimes able to cause an uproar, but this time very few of them appeared on the Janów show stage. Especially noticeable was the absence of such a large stud as Chrcynno Palace. The quantity advantage of the state studs was also their quality advantage. So the only question was which stud – Janów or Michałów – would

take home more medals. Sunday brought the answer to that one – six medals for Janów and six for Michałów, half-half. The title of Best in Show went to Janów’s Pepita (Ekstern – Pepesza/Eukaliptus). However something unexpected happened in this very predictable setting. The highly decorated and just as highly promoted Pogrom (QR Marc – Pętla/Visbaden) seemed a

certain candidate for the title of Polish National Champion. Meanwhile the very restless, on the verge of burning himself out stallion was hard to handle and had to yield in class before Michałów’s Equator (QR Marc – Ekliptyka/Ekstern). The Janów team were clearly disappointed and the public slightly surprised. In the face of such a verdict the finals were settled in advance – the gold for Equator and the silver for Pogrom. The bronze went to Michałów’s Eryks (Gazal Al Shaqab – Emmona/Monogramm).

Also among the junior stallions it was a Michałów charge that took top honors – the champion from Białka, Morion (Kahil Al Shaqab – Mesalina/Ekstern). The silver medal was awarded to Janów’s Pitawal (Kahil Al Shaqab – Pepita/Ekstern). Perhaps we are witnessing a new Golden Cross – Kahil Al Shaqab crossed with the daughters of Ekstern? Director Marek Trela said that the blood of Bask in the pedigree of Kahil’s dam was not insignificant for him when deciding to use this stallion on a wide scale. The third to stand on the podium was Michałów’s Larando (QR Marc – Laranda/Ekstern).
The Polish Nationals, Saturday. Mares among the pouring rain

Saturday brought a change in the weather and thus great delays in the event’s program. The contestants and public were forced by the downpour and thunderstorm to escape from the open air to the indoor arena twice. The indoor arena does not allow the horses to show off their movement, that’s why the trainers and organizers wanted the senior mares to be presented on the grass. The larger arena gives a greater chance for a true show which everyone loves so much. The

price for this were slips and falls of both people and horses. The arena almost turned into a lake! And so the A series yearling fillies competed in the rain, the B series and two year olds inside, the three year olds, 4-6 year olds and A series 7-10 year olds outside and the B series 7-10 year olds and seniors again inside. Regardless of whether it was inside or outside – they gave their all and the judges almost lacked scale to award them. In the 4-6 year olds mares class a mark of “19,5” equaled a disqualification and the judges rarely allowed themselves to make such a “faux

pas”. The “20s” became so common that in order to make the top five you had to surpass the 93 point mark. The fifth place belonged to Emandilla (93,33). The class was won by Pilarosa (Al Adeed Al Shaqab – Pilar/Fawor) with a score of 94,83. But it was not the highest score of the show! This one belonged to the 20 year old Georgia (Monogramm – Gizela/Palas): 95,17.

The 11 year old and above classes were out of this world. We saw four Michałów grey matrons – apart from Georgia there was Espadrilla (Monogramm – Emanacja/Eukaliptus), Laranda (Ekstern – Larissa/Eukaliptus) and Embra (Monogramm – Emilda/Pamir). The public justly awarded them with a standing ovation. During the Sunday finals Georgia was honored with a silver medal, the gold went to Pepita and the bronze to Pilarosa.

Previously, among the junior mares, the best turned out to be Janów’s Al Jazeera (Kahil Al Shaqab – Alhasa/Ganges), who earned a score of 94,83 (including 3×20 for type, 2×20 for head and neck and 4×20 for movement) and for a long time was the leader in terms of point score. The silver was secured by her stablemate Paterna (Eden C – Pinga/Gazal Al Shaqab) and the bronze by Michałów’s Pustynia Kahila (Kahil Al Shaqab – Pustynna Malwa/Ekstern: again a Kahil x Ekstern cross). For some foreign observers the generosity of the judges in awarding the highest or

almost highest marks was a surprise. However we must take into consideration the specific nature of the Polish National Championships in Janów Podlaski, which for many people in this industry is the symbol of Polish breeding. It is not just a beauty pageant, it is a true gala of the Arabian horse. And that’s why the top marks are a form of acknowledging not only the horses, who definitely gain on beauty on home soil, but also the breeders. What is acknowledged is the work and efforts of many generations which resulted in the Arabian horse known as “pure Polish”.

For the first time the public in the VIP sector has large screeds where they could view the results. Similarly to French shows, after each class young people handed out the point results of each contest which facilitated the actual watching of the show. It is easy complain, but this year we saw a small army of people in Janów work extremely hard to make it all work under the current weather conditions. Be it indoors or outside, they managed to keep up the tempo and scale of the show. A moment break for technical difficulties and everything kept on moving, right up to the happy finale. An Arabian amusement park, inimitable and one of its kind.
Renata Schibler (Switzerland)
Irina Stigler (Russia)
Gianmarco Aragno (Italy)
Richard Petty (USA)
Results of the Polish National Show