  • Lubochnia Arabians
  • Lubochnia Arabians
Pride of Poland 2012

Pride of Poland

Pride of Poland 2012

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Ejrene, by Wiesława Bałut
Ejrene, by Wiesława Bałut

Unattainable millions


Few buyers, low prices, very slight enthusiasm from the public – one could only dream about a heated atmosphere which should accompany an event of this rank. Even the number of trade booths was considerably smaller than last year. That in short is the summary of this year’s Pride of Poland. The two stars offered at the auction – Etnologia and Ejrene – were sold for impressive sums, but sums which weren’t even close to the expected millions. Both mares, though of world-class quality, did not manage to give the entire auction the much needed “push”, which indicated that the crisis – so long avoided by the Arabian horse industry – finally found its way to Poland. The overall outcome of 1,325 million euro brought in by the main sale and a further 99,6 thousand from the Selection Sale is not a result which can be considered a great success, though two years ago the aggregate from both was even lower, barely surpassing one million euro with only one mare being sold for more than 100 thousand euro (Pilar). Of course things could always be worse. “I remember many auctions, also those with much lower prices”, comments Prof. Krystyna Chmiel from the Polish Arabian Horse Breeders Society board. “After the American financial crisis the 1995 sale’s highest price was 35 thousand dollars for the daughter of Pilarka – Pisanka by Pepton. But it is also true that this year’s offer was all over the place. There were three stars, then nothing for a long while and finally the rest of the offer. In my opinion there was too large of a disproportion in the quality of the offered horses.”


How the stars were sold


The highest price of the auction was achieved by Michałów’s Ejrene (Gazal Al Shaqab – Emocja/Monogramm), for whom the owner of Kwestura, Sheikh Ammar Bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, the Crowned Prince of Ajman, offered 440 thousand euro by means of his agent, one of the most renowned trainers and handlers in the world – Frank Spönle. The price was not immediately accepted by the seller. The auctioneer announced that the expected priced is one million euro, but when the bidding came to a halt he was ready to seal the transaction at 450 thousand euro. The buyer however did not raise his offer and the mare returned to the stable. It was not until the end of the entire sale that Ejrene once again appeared on the arena. It was announced then that she was sold for the last offered bid. Therefore the Director of Michałów Stud, Jerzy Białobok, could enjoy the highest price of the auction. On a side note – demanding a million euro for Ejrene or Etnologia was a rather risky marketing gimmick. It doesn’t seem probable that either of them can compare to World Champion Kwestura.


In the case of Etnologia (Gazal Al Shaqab – Etalanta/Europejczyk) there was also just one determined buyer, namely Shirley Watts from Great Britain, known for her great weakness towards Janów-bred horses. Now her collection will be enlarged by Etnologia for the price of 370 thousand euro. It was as clear as day that the market again verified the initial, too daring estimation of a million euro. Besides Etnologia Halsdon Arabians will also welcome a mare which unexpectedly achieved the third highest price of the sale – Janów’s Biruta (Ekstern – Bajada/Pamir), for whom the new owner dished out a round 100 thousand euro. And so the purchases of Mrs. Watts turned out to constitute more than one third of the outcome from the main auction, similarly to the purchase of Sheikh Ammar. Less than one third of the aggregate came from the remaining 16 horses sold from among the 28 which qualified for the main list. “It seems that the offer was not attractive enough to draw numerous buyers to the Arabian Horse Days”, says Krzysztof Poszepczyński from Chrcynno-Palace Stud. “The breeding material should be of a higher quality. Two stars is not enough. It was actually the buyers themselves who evaluated the offer by not coming to Janów this year. And those who did come made no secret in their conversations that the offer leaves a lot to be desired. Of course we have a crisis, but regardless of the economic situation there will always be those willing to buy good horses. Those responsible for compiling the offer, the Organizing Committee and the Qualifying Panel, have some food for thought. The auction’s well-being is definitely also in our best interest; we want it to be attractive, not plain.”


Very decent prices were offered for private owned horses. The young star from Bełżyce, Gataka (Ekstern – Gwarka/Monogramm), will find her way to Saudi Arabia for 55 thousand euro, which turned out to be the fourth price of the sale. Espinezja (Psytadel – Entaga/Ganges) from Falborek will also head for Saudi Arabia – the buyer paid 50 thousand euro for her. The owned by Przemysław Sawicki mare Piawea (Ekstern – Powiewna/Wachlarz) was sold for 30 thousand euro. Emmonida (Gazal Al Shaqab – Emmona/Monogramm), for whom bidding reached 63 thousand euro, did not meet her reserve price. Quite a large number of mares from the main list – as many as seven, not counting those which remained unsold – were outdone in terms of price by the Selection Sale-offered Echidna (Ararat – Elandra/Monogramm), for whom the buyer from Saudi Arabia paid 20 thousand euro. There’s a good chance that if the mare was presented on the main list, her price could’ve been even higher. It seems that different criteria apply during qualifications for the main sale depending whether the horse is state or private owned.


Benita and Benita


The happiest people during the entire sale were those buyers, who on Sunday purchased their first horse ever. Benita Zuzek, known to the guests of the Pride of Poland as the owner of the bed and breakfast inn “Dworek nad Bugiem” near Janów together with her husband Zbigniew, had long dreamed of buying the Janów-bred mare bearing the same name: Benita (Enzo – Bogini/Arbil). And that dream came true! For the sum of 30 thousand euro the mare became her property and Benita and Zbigniew Zuzek became the only buyers from Poland this year. Their joy was the most touching moment of the Sunday afternoon. “I rode horses when I was young”, said the excited Benita Zuzek. “But I never suspected I would have my own! We have observed Benita for years, because Director Trela was inspired with my name when naming her. We felt a great sentiment towards this horse and decided that it cannot go anywhere else than to us. And now my husband has to deal with two Benitas – one with four legs and one with two. I will take care of the four-legged one and my husband will have to deal with the other.” And so Benita not only stays in Poland, but will remain very close to her home stud!


On the fingers of one hand


The award for the buyer of the greatest number of horses went to the client from Saudi Arabia. Let’s hope that he will turn out more trustworthy than last year’s record buyer from Australia, who did not collect about a dozen of his purchases. Apart from Saudi Arabia (which was represented by two buyers), the United Arab Emirates and Great Britain, the only other buying countries included Germany and Poland. France, the USA, Ireland and Belgium “joined in” during the Selection Sale. This means that the number of buyers could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Perhaps the event should get a new wind, some new energy, which would bring back the excitement and make buyers from all over the world reach into their pockets to purchase our wonderful Polish horses?


What next?


It would be wonderful to be able to say that another edition of the great gala of the Arabian horse in Poland has come to an end. However, when speaking of such a festive occasion, there are too many “buts”, the most visible of which is the decreasing presence of breeders from both Poland and abroad. Even those that make their living in euros are shocked by the high price of the VIP cards. And the Poles? Among those visiting the stud on Saturday where several who decided to not stay until Sunday for the finals and auction, though it was initially in their plans. Instead they made their way towards the Bread Festival.


(Net prices in EUR)


Pride of Poland 2012
(28 mares offered)


Ejrene 440 thousand, UAE
Etnologia 370 thousand, GB
Biruta 100 thousand, GB
Gataka 55 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Espinezja 50 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Pomerania 47 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Herlina 45 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Funkia 35 thousand, Australia
Benita 30 thousand, Poland
Piawea 30 thousand, Middle East
Elgina 25 thousand, GB
Cymra 20 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Emboria 19 thousand, Middle East
Agatia, 13 thousand, Middle East
Nizara 11 thousand, Middle East
Pepina 11 thousand, Germany
Esmirna 10 thousand, GB
Ciri 7 thousand, Middle East
Elirdia 7 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Emmonida sold after the auction for a not publicly given price to Belgium


Selection Sale 2012
(26 mares offeres, 1 stallion)


Echidna 20 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Elgara 15 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Emlahaba 11 thousand, France
Epifa 8,5 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Bastia 7,5 thousand, Denmark
Cisowa 6,5 thousand, USA
Epikryza 5 thousand, Denmark
Giralda 5 thousand, Saudi Arabia
Wieża Maraam 4,6 thousand, Belgium
Nefer 4,5 thousand, Belgium
Emissa 4 thousand, Ireland
Eukaria 4 thousand, Germany
Zariba 4 thousand, Ireland


Read the whole article “Pride of Poland 2012: Unattainable millions. The Polish Nationals: A shower of medals for Janów (August, 10-12th)” here

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